        更新時間:2024-06-14 12:57:29
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          In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 51 —— 55, choose the most suitable one from the list A. - [G] to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the blanks. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET.

          The social sciences are flourishing. As of 20xx, there were almost half a million professional social scientists from all fields in the world, working both inside and outside academia. According to the World Social Science Report 20xx, the number of social-science students worldwide has swollen by about 11% every year since 20xx. Yet this enormous resource in not contributing enough to today s global challenges including climate change, security, sustainable development and health.

          (1)_________ Humanity has the necessary aggro-technological tools to eradicate hunger, from genetically engineered crops to artificial fertilizers. Here, too, the problems are social: the organization and distribution of food, wealth and prosperity.

          (2) _________This is a shame--the community should be grasping the opportunity to raise its influence in the real world. To paraphrase the great social scientist Joseph Schumpeter: there is no radical innovation without creative destruction.

          Today, the social sciences are largely focused on disciplinary problems and internal scholarly debates, rather than on topics with external impact.

          Analyses reveal that the number of papers including the keywords "environmental changed" or "climate change" have increased rapidly since 20xx, (3)_________

          When social scientists do tackle practical issues, their scope is often local: Belgium is interested mainly in the effects of poverty on Belgium for example. And whether the community s work contribute much to an overall accumulation of knowledge is doubtful.

          The problem is not necessarily the amount of available funding. (4)_________ This is an adequate amount so long as it is aimed in the right direction. Social scientists who complain about a lack of funding should not expect more in today s economic climate.

          The trick is to direct these funds better. The European Union Framework funding programs have long had a category specifically targe


          Whether sixty or sixteen, there is in every human being's heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what's next and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long are you young.


          An individual human existence should be like a river—small at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past boulders and over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider, the banks recede, the waters flow more quietly, and in the end, without any visible break, they become merged in the sea, and painlessly lose their individual being.


          Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity,of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease.This often exists in a man of sixty more than a boy of twenty.Nobody grows old merely by a number of years.We grow old by deserting our ideals.


          Years may wrinkle the skin,but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.



          《You Have Only One Life》

          There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real! Dream what you want to dream;go where you want to go;be what you want to be,because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.

          May you have enough happiness to make you sweet,enough trials to make you strong,enough sorrow to keep you human,enough hope to make you happy? Always put yourself in others’shoes.If you feel that it hurts you,it probably hurts the other person, too.

          The happiest of people don’t necessarily have the best of everything;they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.Happiness lies for those who cry,those who hurt, those who have searched,and those who have tried,for only they can appreciate the importance of people

          who have touched their lives.Love begins with a smile,grows with a kiss and ends with a tear.The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can’t go on well in lifeuntil you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

          When you were born,you were crying and everyone around you was smiling.Live your life so that when you die,you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.

          Please send this message to those people who mean something to you,to those who have touched your life in one way or another,to those who make you smile when you really need it,to those that make you see the brighter side of things when you are really down,to those who you want to let them know that you appreciate their friendship.And if you don’t, don’t worry,nothing bad will happen to you,you will just miss out on the opportunity to brighten someone’s day with this message.


          The expensive shops in a famous arcade near Piccadilly were just opening. At this time of the morning, the arcade was almost empty. Mr Taylor, the owner of a jewellery shop was admiring a new window display. Two of his assistants had been working busily since 8 o'clock and had only just finished. Diamond necklaces and rings had been beautifully arranged on a background of black velvet. After gazing at the display for several minutes, Mr Taylor went back into his shop.

          The silence was suddenly broken when a large car, with its headlights on and its horn blaring, roared down the arcade. It came to a stop outside the jeweler's. One man stayed at the wheel while two others with black stockings over their faces jumped out and smashed the window of the shop with iron bars. While this was going on, Mr Taylor was upstairs. He and his staff began throwing furniture out of the window. Chairs and tables went flying into the arcade. One of the thieves was struck by a heavy statue, but he was too busy helping himself to diamonds to notice any pain. The raid was all over in three minutes, for the men scrambled back into the car and it moved off at a fantastic speed. Just as it was leaving, Mr Taylor rushed out and ran after it throwing ashtrays and vases, but it was impossible to stop the thieves. They had got away with thousands of pounds worth of diamonds.




          如果我休息,我就會生銹If I Rest, I Will Rust

          The significant1 words found on an old key —"If I rest, I will rust"—would be an excellent motto for those who are lazy.


          Even the most diligent person might adopt it as a reminder. If one allows his abilities to rest, duanwenw.com like the iron in the unused key, they will soon show signs of rust, and, finally, cannot do the work required of them.


          Those who wish to climb to great heights must constantly keep their abilities in use, so that they may unlock the doors to knowledge.


          Diligence keeps the key that opens the treasury of achievement bright. If Hugh Miller, after working hard all day in a mine, duanwenw.com had devoted his evenings to rest and relaxation, he would never have become a famous geologist4. The famous mathematician, Edmund Stone, would never have found the key to the science of mathematics if he had given his spare moments to idleness. If the young Scottish man, Ferguson, had allowed his busy brain to go to sleep while he tended sheep on the hillside instead of measuring the positions of the stars, he would never have become a distinguished astronomer ..


          .Labor conquers all: not inconsistent or ill-directed labor, but faithful and unstopping daily effort, toward a well-directed purpose. Eternal diligence is the price of noble and enduring success.



          辦公室戀情 Office Love

          Nowadays, a new type of love is not accepted in most situation, it is the office love. In some companies, there is the rule to forbid office love, because the boss believes that it is not good for running the business, the relationship will distract the employees’ attention.


          Why office love is always happening, even the young people know it is not allowed. It is because when these young girls and boys work together all the day, they are easy to fall in love with each other. It is the natural reaction, they know each other well and realize the shinning point.


          In order to keep the relationship, the young couples have to lie to everybody and pretend nothing is happening. But the awkward situations happen sometimes, they have to deal very carefully. But most companies won’t interfere the personal emotion, they believe that it is the employees’ right to handle their emotion. The companies have the job for the employees, they can do whatever they want when they finish their job.

          為了維持戀情,年輕的情侶們不得不欺騙大家,假裝什么也沒有發(fā)生。但有時尷尬的情況會發(fā)生,他們必須非常謹(jǐn)慎地處理好。但大多數(shù)公司不會干涉?zhèn)人的情感,他們認(rèn)為這是員工的權(quán)利去處理他們的情緒。公司分配給員工工作 ,當(dāng)他們完成他們的工作,該干嘛就干嘛去。

          Office love is nothing special, don’t give the pressure to the young people.




          Since the end of last century, Chinese economy developed very fast and it brought some chances to part of people, helping them earn a lot of money. When their children was born, people called them the rich second generation. The public always read some negative news about these rich guys, their label seemed to be young and reckless. But it is not true for all.

          自上世紀(jì)末以來,中國的經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展非?, 給一部分人帶來了機遇,讓他們賺了很多錢。他們的孩子出生時,人們稱他們?yōu)楦欢9妼@些有錢人總是看到一些負(fù)面新聞,他們的標(biāo)簽似乎年輕和不計后果的。但并不是所有的富二代都這樣。

          We must realize that those second rich generation who are reported in the news are negative image. The rich people belong to small part of it and most people are still struggling in the well-off level. So these negative image can help to ease their jealousness. What’s more, the negative news is always easy to catch the public’s attention and raise them to discuss. That’s the value of news report.


          Let’s take a look at the real rich second generation. They are born in the rich family and surely to win over most kids. But they know they have to learn, as so to compete with other excellent guys. They have the good resouces and they can make use of them, which help them to be skillful and knowledgable.


          This is the true about these rich kids, as the common kid, we have no reason to give up studying.



          The Color of Friendship 友誼的顏色

          Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel. All claimed that they were the best. The most important.The most useful.The favorite.從前,世界上的各種顏色進(jìn)行過一次爭吵。每一種顏色都說自己是最好的,最重要的,


          Green said: "Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and of hope. I was chosen for grass, trees and leaves. Without me, all animals would die. Look over the countryside and you will see that I am in the majority."


          Blue interrupted: "You only think about the earth, but consider the sky and the sea. It is the water that is the basis of life and drawn up by the clouds from the deep sea. The sky gives space and peace and serenity. Without my peace, you would all be nothing."


          Yellow chuckled: "You are all so serious. I bring laughter, gaiety, and warmth into the world. The sun is yellow, the moon is yellow, the stars are yellow. Every time you look at a sunflower, the whole world starts to smile. Without me there would be no fun."


          Orange started next to blow her trumpet: "I am the color of health and strength. I may be scarce, but I am precious for I serve the needs of human life. I carry the most important vitamins. Think of carrots, pumpkins, oranges, mangoes, and papayas. I don't hang around all the time, but when I fill the sky at sunrise or sunset, my beauty is so striking that no one gives another thought to any of you."


          Red could stand it no longer he shouted out: "I am the ruler of all of you. I am blood - life's blood! I am the color of danger and of bravery. I am willing to fight for a cause. I bring fire into the blood. Without me, the earth would be as empty as the moon. I am the color of passion and of love, the red rose, the poinsettia and the poppy." 紅色再也忍不下去了,他喊道:“我,是你們所有人的主宰。我是血液——生命的血液!我是危險和勇敢的顏色。我愿意為了一個目標(biāo)而斗爭。我把烈火帶入血液。沒有了我,地球會象月亮一樣變得空虛。我是激情和愛的顏色,是紅玫瑰、猩猩木。

          Purple rose up to his full height: He was very tall and spoke with great pomp: "I am the color of royalty and power. Kings, chiefs, and bishops have always chosen me for I am the sign of authority and wisdom. People do not question me! They listen and obey."


          Finally Indigo spoke, much more quietly than all the others, but with just as much determination: "Think of me. I am the color of silence. You hardly notice me, but without me you all become superficial. I represent thought and reflection, twilight and deep water. You need me for balance and contrast, for prayer and inner peace."


          And so the colors went on boasting, each convinced of his or her own superiority. Their quarreling became louder and louder. Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightening thunder rolled and boomed. Rain started to pour down relentlessly. The colors crouched down in fear, drawing close to one another for comfort.


          In the midst of the clamor, rain began to speak: "You foolish colors, fighting amongst yourselves, each trying to dominate the rest. Don't you know that you were each made for a special purpose, unique and different? Join hands with one another and come to me."


          Doing as they were told, the colors united and joined hands. The rain continued: "From now on, when it rains, each of you will stretch across the sky in a great bow of color as a reminder that you can all live in peace. The Rainbow is a sign of hope for tomorrow." And so, whenever a good rain washes the world, and a Rainbow appears in the sky, let us remember to appreciate one another.




          Nipponex Electrics


          27 August,20xx

          Amperlite Ltd

          146 0’Leafy St


          Dear Sirs,

          Improved ways of production make US able to offer you our change of Drilite batteries(電池)at a reduced price for large quantities.

          Further information of the New prices for your market are sent to you together with the letter,and you will see that the price has already reduced 5 percent.As c.i.f(成本、保險加運費) to Dublin is included in our prices,you will agree that they are clearly lower than those of producers of the same batteries,both here in Japan and elsewhere.The quality of our products remains the same--only the finest chemicals are used.The new prices are for the least orders of l.000 pounds and will begin from January 1.Immediate sending off is sure because enough Can be made whenever you require it.

          We appreciate your past dealing and cooperation(合作)with us,and look forward to supplying you in the new year at the new prices.

          Yours truly,

          Nipponex Electrics

          1.If the Irish expect to enjoy the 5%of reduction at prices,they should__________.

          A.pay the Japanese at least£1,000

          B.order 1,000 pounds of batteries in weight

          C.order£1,000 worth batteries at least

          D.Pay the Japanese£1,000 ahead



          C【解析】事實細(xì)節(jié)題。從文中第二段倒數(shù)第二句,The new prices are for the least orders of l,000 pounds and will begin from January


          2.Which is NOT the reason of reduction of the price at 5 percent?

          A.The Japanese.producer holds a large quantity of stores and can’t sell them out.

          B.The Japanese have improved their production means.

          C.They can turn out more products.

          D.They expect to go on dealing with the Irish in the coming year.


          參考解析:A【解析】判斷推理題。文中給出了幾個原因:Improved ways of pr0·duction;turn out more products;and look forward to supplying you inthe new year at the new prices,等。文章說的是,公司有能力立即大批量的'生產(chǎn),而不是說由于庫存過多,賣不出去才迫于降價的。所以選項A(庫存太多,賣不出去)是不符合原文的意思的,故正確答案為A。

          3.From the letter,we can know__________.

          A.the two sides cooperated before

          B.the Irish should pay for the transportation fee in terms of the new price

          C.they use the best chemicals to improve the quality



          Four best friends met at the hospital since their wives were giving births to their babies. The nurse comes up to the first man and says, "Congratulations, you got twins."The man said "How strange, I'm the manager of Minnesota Twins." After awhile the nurse comes up to the second man and says, "Congratulations, you got triplets." Man was like "Hmmm, strange I worked as a director for the "3 musketeers." Finally, the nurse comes up to the third man and says "Congratulations, you got twins x2."

          Man is happy and says, "Ironic, I work for the hotel "4 Seasons." All three of them are happy until they see their last buddy jumping all over the place, cursing God and banging his head on the wall.They asked him what's wrong and he answered, "What's wrong? I work for 7up"!








          It is eight o’clock. The children (孩子們) go to school by car every day, they are going to school on foot. It is ten o’clock. Mrs. Sawyer usually (通常)stays at home in the morning, but this morning, she is going to the shops. It is four o’clock in the afternoon, Mrs. Sawyer usually drinks tea in the living room. But this afternoon, she is drinking tea in the garden. It is six o’clock, In the evening, the children usually do their homework, but this evening, they are not doing their homework. At the moment, they are playing in the garden. It is nine o’clock. Mr. Sawyer usually reads his newspaper at night(晚上). But he’s not reading his newspaper tonight. At the moment, he’s reading an interesting (有趣的)book.

          小題1:The children go to school ______ every day. A.by car B.on foot C.by bike D.by bus小題2:Mrs. Sawyer is going to ___ this morning。

          A.staying at home B.go shopping C.drinking tea D.watching TV

          小題3:Mrs. Sawyer usually drinks tea in the evening at ______in the living room.

          A.8:00 B.16:00 C.18:00 D.21:00

          小題4:Are the children doing their homework at the moment? A.Yes, they do. B.No, they don’t. C.Yes, they are. D.No, they aren’t


          Mike is a good student. He gets up at six thirty every day. He likes to wear his blue sweater. He goes to school at seven fifteen. He has English class at eight o’clock. He likes English very much. He has lunch at home. In the afternoon, he always plays football on the school playground. He does homework after dinner. He goes to bed at nine o’clock.


          ( ) (1) Mike gets up at 6:20 every day. ( ) (2) Mike has a blue sweater.

          ( ) (3) Mike has lunch at school. ( ) (4) Mike likes to play football.

          ( ) (5) Mike does homework after school.第三題:

          Hello! My name is Sun Wei. Here is an American boy. His name is David Smith. He is twelve. And I am twelve, too. David is in Class Three, Grade One. I am in Class Three, Grade One, too. He is Number Eight, Row Five. I am Number Five, Row Four. ( )1.David is an ( ) boy.

          A. English B. American C. Chinese ( )2.He is ( )

          A. ten B. eleven C. twelve

          ( )3.Sun Wei is( )Class Three, Grade One. A. in B. on C. of

          ( )4.David is in Row ( ) . A. Four B. Five C. One ( )5.Sun Wei is Number( ).

          A. Four B. Five C. Eight第四題:

          Van and Ted are twin brothers. They look the same. They are

          English. They are eleven. They are in No.15 Middle School. They are new students in Class One, Grade One. Van sits in Row One. Ted sits in Row Three.

          ( )1. Van and Ted are

          A. twins brothers B. twin brother C. twin brothers ( )2. They are( ).

          A. English B. American C. Chinese

          ( )3. They are . A. ten B. eleven C. twelve ( )4. They are( ) students.

          A. new B. old C. good ( )5. Ted sits in Row ( ) .

          A. three B. four C. Five第五題:

          This is a Chinese gird. Her name is Wu Yan. She is a new student. She is in Yuying Middle School. She is in Class One, Grade Two. Bill is an American boy. He is eleven. He is Yuying Middle School, too. Miss Li is their PE teacher. She is a good teacher.

          ( )1. Wu Yan is( ).

          A. a Chinese girl B. an American girl C. an English girl

          ( )2. She is a( )student.

          A. good B. new C. old

          ( )3. Bill is( ).

          A. a Chinese girl B. an American boy C. a good boy

          ( )4. Their PE( )is Miss Li.

          A. friend B. teacher C. student ( )5. Miss Li is a good ( ).

          A. teacher B. student C. boy第六題:

          I have a pencil box. It’s blue. There are lots of things in it. I have a pen. It’s red and long. I like it. I have three pencils. They are short. I have a ruler. It’s big. I have an eraser. It’s small.閱讀理解并選擇合適的選項( )1. The pencil box is _____.

          A .blue B. red

          ( )2. The pen is ______.

          A. yellow B. red

          ( )3. I have ______ pencils.

          A. 3 B. 2

          ( )4. The pencils are _______.

          A. short B. long

          ( )5. The eraser is _______.

          A. big B. small







          小題1:細(xì)節(jié)理解題,根據(jù)文中語句“The children go to school by car every day,”理解可知,孩子們天天坐車去上學(xué),故選A。小題2:細(xì)節(jié)理解題,根據(jù)文中語句“It is ten o’clock. Mrs. Sawyer usually stays at home in the morning, but this morning, she is going to the shops.”理解可知,今早,Mrs. Sawyer要去購物,故選B。

          小題3:細(xì)節(jié)理解題,根據(jù)文中語句“It is four o’clock in the afternoon, Mrs. Sawyer usually drinks tea in the living room.”理解可知,Mrs. Sawyer在下午4點在客廳喝茶,故選B。

          小題4:細(xì)節(jié)理解題,根據(jù)文中語句“In the evening, the children usually do their homework, but this evening, they are not doing their homework. At the moment, they are playing in the garden.”理解可知,此時此刻孩子們正在花園里玩耍呢,故選D。



          1-5 × √ × √ ×


          1-5 B C A B B


          1-5 C A B A A


          1-5 A B B B A


          1-5 A B A A B


          One of the most interesting paradoxes in America today is that Harvard University, the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States, is now engaged in a serious debate about what a university should be, and whether it is measuring up.

          Like the Roman Catholic Church and other ancient institutions, it is asking - still in private rather than in public - whether its past assumptions about faculty, authority, admissions, courses of study, are really relevant to the problems of the 1990s.

          『Should Harvard or any other university be an intellectual sanctuary, apart from the political and social revolution of the age, or should it be a laboratory for experimentation with these political and social revolutions; or even an engine of the revolution? 』This is what is being discussed privately in the big clapboard houses of faculty members around the Harvard Yard.

          The issue was defined by Waiter Lippmann, a distinguished Harvard graduate, several years ago. If the universities are to do their work, he said, they must be independent and they must be disinterested They are places to which men can turn for judgements which are unbiased by partisanship and special interest. 『Obviously, the moment the universities fall under political control, or under the control of private interests, or the moment they themselves take a hand in politics and the leadership of government, their value as independent and disinterested sources of judgement is impaired.』


          Before the Rio Olympic Games came, the media reported some players that caught people’s attention. There is no doubt that these players have beautiful faces, which helps them win the attention. But the more important thing is that they are not only talented, but also work very hard.

          The chance to take part in the Olympic Games means the players are excellent and they have stood out in their countries. If they win the golden medal in the Olympic Games, they will gain great fame and money around the world. The beautiful face brings players the market potential, which means they will be famous easily, but on the condition that they are the top players. Mariah Sharapova is the best example. She is beautiful and top tennis player all the time. So ability decides our position on the society.


          The Three Ways of Man to Preserve Meat

          Finding enough meat was a problem for primitive man.Keeping it for times when it was scarce was just as hard.Three ways were found to keep meat from spoiling:salting,drying,and freezing.

          People near salty waters salted their meat.At first they probably rubbed dry salt on it,but this preserved only the outside.Later they may have pickled their meat by soaking it in salt water.

          In hot,dry lands,men found that they could eat meat that had dried while it was still on the bones.They later learned to cut meat into thin strips and hang it up to dry in the hot air.

          Men in cold climates found that frozen meat did not spoil.They could leave their meat outside and eat it when they pleased.







          初中英語閱讀短文帶翻譯:美麗人生 Beautiful Life

          Marisa who is a beautiful girl from England, she works as a fitness instructor. She is also a fashionable icon. Having so many identities makes her life wonderful. But before Marisa was 20, who can imagine that she is a very fat girl. When Marisa was a small girl, she liked to eat all kinds of food, which made her a big fat girl. As she grew up, she noticed her difference and the boy she liked fell in love with her best friend. Marisa realized that she needed to lose weight, she refused to the junk food and ate the organic food. She kept practise every day. Finally, a year passed and she lose more than 80 pounds. She began her beautiful life.

          瑪麗莎來自英格蘭,是一個美麗的女孩,她是一名健身教練。她也是一個時尚偶像。多重身份使得她的生活精彩。但在瑪麗莎20歲之前, 誰能想象到她是一個非常胖的女孩。當(dāng)瑪麗莎還是一個小女孩的時候,她喜歡吃各種各樣的食物,這使她成為一個大胖女孩。當(dāng)她長大了,她注意到自己與眾不同,她喜歡的男孩愛上了她最好的朋友。瑪麗莎意識到她需要減肥,她拒絕垃圾食品,吃有機食品。她每天都鍛煉。最后,一年過去了,她減掉了80多磅。她開始她的.美麗生活。

          初中英語閱讀短文帶翻譯:學(xué)習(xí)漢語熱 The Heat of Learning Chinese

          In China, English is the indispensable suject for students to learn. Some students complain that there is no need to learn English because we live in China, while when we look around the world, we can find that there are more and more foreigners learn Chinese. As the world gets globalized, the world is watching us and foreigners are very interested in our culture. some of them learn Chinese for they sense the great commercial potential and want to do business with us. There is even a competition for foreigners to show their level of Chinese. I am so surprised by their insistance. The foreigners can learn Chinese so well, so there no reason for us to give up English.


          初中英語閱讀短文帶翻譯:學(xué)校的體育館 The Gym In My School

          Recently, it has been said that the new building in my school will be finished soon and all the students can use it. It is such exciting news, because we have been looking forward to taking exercise in the gym for such a long time. The new building is used as the gym and there are all kinds of equipments in it. There are badminton court, ping-pong court and basketball court. I love the gym so much. I have always dream to take exercise in such a good gym. Playing sports indoor makes me feel not bad hot and as a girl, I don’t have to turn black. From now on, I will keep taking exercise everyday.












