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          父母的愛(ài)英語(yǔ)作文 篇1


          I have a father and a mother who love me.


          My father is a department manager. He often travels in other places. Every time he calls me on a business trip, the next day, he will find that my mobile phone has a message of love and encouragement from my father. Every time I read the message from my father, I always want to cry. In this line, it shows my fathers love for me. Although my father often lives in other countries, he cares and misses me very much. If I miss my father that night, I will cry loudly and bitterly until my mother comes to comfort me. My father works outside every day, and also wants me to have a good learning environment so that I can get something from others. My father is the greatest in my heart.


          "The line in the hands of a loving mother, the clothes of a wandering child..." Whenever I read a poem like "wandering son chanting", I always think of my mother. My mother is a businessman, and she often runs around for the business in the shop, but this is also for me. Busy mother, in order to support her family in the daytime, plays against the sun or the wind and rain. At night, she should have had a rest in the day, but she used most of these time to help me with my lessons. In order to improve my performance, she will go to a good university in the future and grow up to be a useful person. I remember that one night, I had gone to bed and found that there was still a light in my mothers room. I went over curiously. From the crack of the door, I saw that my mother was holding a needle to mend my broken pants. My mothers back was bent and stitched carefully. I cant help but shed tears when I see here. When I went back to my bed, I thought of what scene I had just had. It was a good mother who loved me and hurt me.


          Write here, my heart like overturned vinegar, sour, my pen is quivering, and can not help but shed tears. I am very happy to have a father and mother who love me.

          父母的愛(ài)英語(yǔ)作文 篇2


          I remember when I was three or four years old, I was eating.


          "Come, come, open your mouth, I'll feed you!" Grandma said happily. I immediately opened my mouth and ate with relish. All of a sudden, Dad, who was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper, seemed to be singing "empty city plan" in his stomach. At once, three steps turned into two steps and came to the table.


          I eat and play with toys, walking around, grandma is the same, follow me around. When dad saw grandma feeding me, he walked over and said to grandma seriously, "Mom, just let her eat by herself. It's not without hands or feet." But grandma said nervously, "but You see, she's still young. She's not even five years old, and she's not sensible yet! It's normal for you to feed her because she's so small. "


          At that time, I was really young. I couldn't understand what adults were saying. But now growing up, I gradually understand what is care, what is care. My father was also good for me. A good habit should be formed from a young age. You should do what you can, so that you won't be able to do anything in the future.


          Mother's love is also indispensable. Here is my childhood growth experience. Have a look!


          On a sunny Sunday, my mother and I ate and played together.


          On the way, I was singing and walking forward with light steps. Because I was so happy, I didn't notice a stone in front of me, so I slipped and fell down. I put out my hand to let my mother hold it, but my mother said, "don't always let me hold you when you get up." Finally, I got up my courage and got up.


          The love of parents is the greatest in the world. There is nothing greater than it!

          父母的愛(ài)英語(yǔ)作文 篇3


          Everyone has been loved by their parents, and I don't know how many times! I'm here to introduce my parents' love for me.


          That time, I came home late. My parents were very worried and angry at home. When I got home, my father told me to stand up. They scolded me for a few words and then beat me. At that time, I was very angry and thought to myself: hum, what's so great? I rely on myself as an adult!


          They deliberately told me to run away from home. I just came to the door, my mother kicked the door and closed it. I happened to be impartial, and was pressed by the door. Mom and dad rushed me to the hospital.


          When I got to the hospital, I opened my eyes slowly and saw my father and mother running around in front of me. "What can I do?" Dad shouted? What should I do? "


          I thought to myself: it seems that mom and Dad don't bother me. I was wrong. My mother saw me wake up, hugged me and said, "my dear son, I shouldn't hit you. You say, I'll buy you what you want. "


          I was moved to say: "nothing, I just want you to care about me."


          "My dear son, I will be very concerned about you!" said the mother kindly At this time, my father also came to hold me.


          Now I know that father and mother love me as well!

          父母的愛(ài)英語(yǔ)作文 篇4


          My parents are very concerned about me and love me.


          Once, my good friend Zhang Lan had his 10th birthday. I said goodbye to my mother and was ready to go out.


          My mother asked me doubtfully, "where are you going?" I asked in surprise, "Mom, don't you know?" Mother said, "what can I know? Your father and daughter are mysterious all day long. I don't know what bad things they have done. "


          I was a little angry at what my mother said. Didn't dad tell mom that I was going to my classmate's house for my birthday? I have some doubts. But, maybe it was mom who made fun of me?


          In order to find out, I didn't go to celebrate Zhang Lan's birthday. I sat on the sofa and waited for Dad to come back.


          An hour later, Dad came back. I was very angry and asked my father, "why don't you tell my mother about my life to Zhang Lan?" My father said innocently, "I haven't! I told your mother. Maybe your mother is playing a trick on us? "


          I listened to my father and called my mother back.


          At this time, my mother said to me with a smile, "in fact, your father told me. I'm not trying to make fun of you. I just want you to read at home, don't go out to play and waste time, so that your academic performance will not decline. "


          My father listened to my mother's words, but put forward the opposite opinion: "my child, her mother, what you said is reasonable. However, if you don't let your child go out to communicate with his classmates, it's not good for him. So I think children should be allowed to go out for a walk. "


          I was very moved by what my parents said. They care about me so much and love me so much. I think no matter how they think about it, it's for my good. You say, right?

          父母的愛(ài)英語(yǔ)作文 篇5

          I consider my parents as the most important people in my life. This is not because they re wealthy or famous. Rather, what I value about most is the care and love they show to me.


          My parents might work hard, but they re always there for me. Whenever I get into trouble and desperately need a hand, they come over first to support me and encourage me. I grew up with their constant care and love. While they re getting older with grey hair and wrinkles, they never lose dignity in both life and jobs.


          From my parents, I have learned that one person can really make a difference. I ll never forget their care and love. Gratefulness brings a great fullness to life. I wish they could always be happy and healthy. It is high time we expressed our gratitude to people we cherish!


          父母的愛(ài)英語(yǔ)作文 篇6

          There are so many people talking about how much their mother love them,whereas seldom people realize how much love their father give them.In fact,father's love is as strong as mother's,but normally,fathers are not very good of expressing their feelings.Father's love is deep and silent,that's why most people think their father love them less.If you carefully go through your childhood memory,you will notice your father is always there when you need them,though they never said it out loud how much they love you,father's like a shelter when the storm coming,father's like a door when there is danger outside,father is someone no matter how you treat him,he will choose to bear all the pressure and let you free.So please cheer for the love of father!


          父母的愛(ài)英語(yǔ)作文 篇7


          There is a kind of love; it's so ordinary and great. There is a kind of love, so unselfish and unforgettable. There is a kind of love; it's so memorable. There is a kind of love That's the love of our parents. How selfless mother's love for me is!


          From childhood to now, my mother is working for this family. From doing small things to doing big things, mom is worried about us. Once, when I came back from reading in the afternoon, my mother stroked my head with her hand first! I had a high fever, then my mother hurriedly carried me to the hospital Time waits for no one. It's late at night. I've been in the hospital. I can go home after I get a fever relief Injection The next morning, I saw my mother sleeping beside my bed. My mother had been waiting by my bed. Somehow, I cried.


          Mom, you work hard!


          Dad's love for me is so unforgettable!


          Whether it's winter or summer, dad always insists on his work and seldom comes back to visit us. One day, the weather was bad and it was raining heavily. I'm at school! Today, my mother went to my grandmother's house again. No one came to pick me up. Just as I was shivering with cold, a familiar figure appeared at the school gate. "It's dad." I cried happily. I asked my father why he came back. My father said something. I looked at him with half doubt. I found that my father's whole body was wet and his teeth were shaking up and down. It hurt me to look at him 。


          Dad, you have worked hard!


          Parents' love is like a spring, flowing at any time; parents' love is like a book, enriching our hearts forever. Ah! I will remember the warm love all my life.

          父母的愛(ài)英語(yǔ)作文 篇8


          My mom and dad can always show their love for me.


          A "longzai book club" activity, renewal card to read a year to pay 100 yuan can choose 80 yuan of books.


          I'm a fan of books. After knowing this, I naturally caught up with my father.


          Dad agreed without hesitation.


          We went to the bookstore and after selecting the books, we found that 20 yuan was enough. I was soon turned from excited to depressed. Just want to put the book back, dad said: "it's time to go." I'm very strange. I haven't put the book yet. Look at the table again. It's 120 yuan. I'm surprised: "my God, did dad really put 20 yuan on it?" I look at him, and he laughs, "are you still going?" I was so happy that I wanted to cry.


          Another time, I talked with him about the Tang Dynasty, and he said, "you know more than I do. I'll buy you the complete works of the hundred schools of thought some day, OK?" I'm too excited to eat dad. There are thousands of yuan in the complete works of hundred schools of thought!


          I'm proud to have such a father!


          Mom is not bad either.


          Every time, on my classmate's birthday, she never hesitated to give me 20 yuan, saying, "buy a gift well, friendship first, money second." So, I always choose a good gift for them, the rest of the money, even a dime, I will return to my mother, absolutely not greedy. 0001 cents.


          I'm proud to have such a mother.


          It's my parents who taught me to live, to be honest, to be everything.


          I think I am the happiest in the world, because my parents make me proud.

          父母的愛(ài)英語(yǔ)作文 篇9


          Everyone has parents, but they may not give their love to us.


          But my parents gave me all their passion and love, so I love them very much.


          At 4:35 a.m. on March 7, 1994, I was born in this lovely and beautiful world. At that time, the parents were overjoyed. Later, my parents began to educate me and teach me how to be a human being. That kind and gentle words made me seem to enter a mysterious fairyland. After that, my father began to teach me to write again. He was very strict with me. If you can't get it right, you can hit me. So I was slapped a dozen times that day, and my face was red and swollen. In my eyes is a kind of infinite fatherly love. Some parents never give their children real love. It's also a kind of love that Dad told me to recite composition. When I don't want to recite or worry about the lack of time to recite the composition, I'm afraid to see my father's familiar smile and feel ashamed to face him. Why is it a kind of love that my father told me to recite composition? Because he wanted me to recite the composition, improve my composition level, enter Yiwu No.1 middle school, then enter Peking University and other universities, and finally find a good job. Although my grades are not so good, I will study hard. I want to turn my parents' love into motivation and their love into a magic weapon for me to study hard. Let the dream of father and mother become a reality. My love for my parents is hard to express in words.

          父母的愛(ài)英語(yǔ)作文 篇10


          Most of the time, the love of parents is like a bird that flies in the sky on that day - often comes without leaving a trace.


          It was a dusky evening. The wind outside the window was strong. After cleaning the classroom, I began to pack my schoolbag and prepare to go home. "Kazam" -- there was a sudden thunder in the sky, and then the rain poured down. I cried in my heart. I threw my clothes on my head and rushed out. As soon as I got to the school gate, two familiar figures flashed into my eyes -- it was my father and my mother, but they both had only one umbrella in their hands. My mother smiled and said to me: "your father and I are directly from the office Come on, no more umbrella. Let's play together. " "No, it's raining so hard that both of them will get wet. I'll give this umbrella to Shi Hao." Dad said quickly that he would put out his umbrella. "I'll fight dad." Saying that I jumped under my father's umbrella. My father held up the umbrella in one hand and tried to hold my shoulder in the other hand. The three people and two umbrellas disappeared in the mist. At that moment, I felt very happy and happy.


          Hazy, my mind suddenly flashed one picture after another: I remember that I forgot to take my homework book because I was in a hurry to go to school, my father found it, and ran it to my classroom; I remembered that I forgot the time to go home because I played basketball, and my mother was in a hurry to look for me everywhere; I remembered his urgent voice in the microphone when I called my father who was away from business "The fuse is in the toolbox on the balcony. Don't forget to pull down the knife first when you put it on." I think of my mother's admonition before leaving the house: "don't panic. Believe in yourself." Too many, too many memories come out in a flash, making me cry.


          Parents' love is like a lily's fragrance condensed into a moving, slowly converging, no longer floating. I think no one in the world will say that they don't love their parents, but can they say that they can fully repay their parents' love? Maybe not. In the eyes of my parents, love is to walk with you, no matter how far I go, I will never forget my father's eager words when he took my draft composition: "change it, change it again, and you can transcribe it." I will not forget that my mother got up early in the morning to make an early figure for me - life is too long, now is happiness.


          Writing about this, I can't help thinking of Elijah, the prophet in the Bible, covering his face with his hands and not daring to look at God's face. I think that parents can enjoy this right. They have the holy things that "God" spreads on the earth.

          父母的愛(ài)英語(yǔ)作文 篇11

          Most children will complain about their parents, because parents can't satisfy all the things they want. When they grow up, they will sense their parents' love. For example, our mothers always cook different kinds of delicious food, just want to let us eat more. Our fathers work so hard to earn more money, so that they can make us live the comfortable life. We should be grateful to them.


          父母的愛(ài)英語(yǔ)作文 篇12


          We all have parents, but their love for us is different. I watched a scene on TV that day. Let me tell you something about it!


          This is a couple who have a child, but they dislike that their child is a girl, so they let their grandmother raise the girl. The two of them live a very hard life. When the girl reaches the age of school, because there is not enough tuition at home, she doesn't go to school, but the girl doesn't give up a little hope. She borrows the books of the children of the neighbor's family, and then mends them with her little hands. Finally, she Can read, but just saw a little hope, the girl suffered from lung cancer, soon left her grandmother, her parents have never seen their own children, the girl did not see them, so the girl left them with regret. What's the difference between them and animals?


          I am much happier than this girl. We are still children now. I hope our parents don't treat us like this. No matter a boy or a child is his own flesh, who can be so cruel?


          Hope parents care more about their children!

          父母的愛(ài)英語(yǔ)作文 篇13

          There is no doubt that parents love us the most in the world, they give us lives and nurse us to be an independent people. No matter what difficulties we face, they are always behind us and offer support. The way they love us is different and we can feel love is around.


          My mother is a housewife. She sacrifice so much when I was born. Nowadays, women are advocated to be a career woman, and they treated to be successful if they can manage the family chores well at the same time. My mother gave up her career. In my eye, she does the most great job in the world. The house she cleans and the food she cooks, all of these work require so much patience and only the one with strong will can do it.


          My father doesn’t talk much, but he will never miss every important moment of me. Every night before I sleep, he will check my homework and ask me the latest situation. The comfortable thing is that he never puts me hard and I am so pleased to talk with him.


          Love from parents makes me stronger and I will fight for my future.


          父母的愛(ài)英語(yǔ)作文 篇14

          Love a wonderful thing, love an unspeakable thing, the world is full of love, love is also the greatest thing in the world. Everyone lives in the encirclement of love. There is a wonderful elf in everyone's heart. This elf can release the greatest energy in the world - love.

          With the sound of a baby's tender cry, we came to the world. We grew up under the care of our parents. We learned to walk under the care of my parents. In our babbling language, our parents gave us a compliment and gave us an encouragement. The love of parents is the greatest in the world. All this came to mind after I saw a news.

          In October 3, 1999, the malfunctioning cable car suddenly crashed at a crazy speed in Ma Ling scenic spot, Guizhou, and 14 of the 36 passengers were killed. And at the very moment when the tragedy happened, a young couple raised their two and a half son with both hands. As a result, the parents lost their lives, but their sons were safe.

          After reading this news, I knew that the child was lucky and unfortunate. Unfortunately, he lost his closest parents. Fortunately, he had a love of his parents and he survived. Parents can give up everything and even life for their children. In times of danger, we should not hesitate to choose to protect our children. This child is not a person. He is an extension of his parents' life. He also has his parents' expectations. The love of parents is a selfless great.

          Although this kind of thing did not happen to me, my parents also gave me a lot of love and gave me a lot of money. We should learn to repay our parents while we feel our parents' love, and remember our parents' expectations for us.

          父母的愛(ài)英語(yǔ)作文 篇15

          People often say, "father love is a mountain, and motherly love is like water." Yes, the love of parents is the greatest love in the world. Father love is silent, undisclosed, not good at language expression, and father love is like a mountain to give me a solid dependence: and mother love is warm, with tender love, mother love as broad as the sea, unfathomable. Parents' love is indispensable and irreplaceable in our life.

          I remember I sprained my foot carefully the week before. I thought I would be able to pass it, but my illness did not work well after noon. I felt a hard to say the pain into my foot, I told my father and mother, they saw me so anxious, even the class did not go up, I went straight to the hospital to see the doctor, dad in order to let my leg less force, Dad's back tired, I have 100 Jin after all! Until three in the afternoon, the doctor said he wanted to put a needle in my hand, which made my mother feel bad and I didn't know how much it was.

          I endure the pain of illness, but enjoy the meticulous care of my father and mother. I think this is love. I hope this love will never disappear. Mom and Dad, thank you.

          Mom and Dad, thank you for your care and warmth. Thank you for your great care. Thank you for giving me a happy life.

          父母的愛(ài)英語(yǔ)作文 篇16

          From small to large, I think I am the happiest child in the world, because my parents' love for me is higher than the sky and deeper than the sea.

          Once, when I was in school, I suddenly felt my head hurt so much that I could not hear the lesson. The teacher found that I was pale and not right. I asked my parents after calling the reason. In a few moments, mom and dad came. My mother hurried to me and touched my forehead and said nervously, "ah! Why is it so hot? It looks like a fever is coming to the hospital! " Mom took my hand, Dad carried my schoolbag, and we went straight to the hospital. In the car, my mother comforted me, "nothing is wrong. I will be good with you and your father in any disease. You are a man and must be strong!" When I got to the hospital, my mother hurriedly found the doctor and said, "see my son quickly!" The doctor walked over and looked at me with a glimpse of it. He said, as if nothing happened, "small things, just drop the stream!" At last, mom and Dad were relieved. When I was dripping, Dad sometimes went out to buy delicious food for me. Sometimes he went out to buy toys for me, and sometimes sat beside the bed to make me happy. Mommy massage my head for a while, press my shoulder for a while, ask me if I'm hungry or not, and wash my fruit for a while. Looking at it, my eyes moistened, and a warm current surged into my heart. Mom and Dad were very kind to me. I am the happiest child in the world. I was all right soon after mom and dad looked after them. But mom and dad are busy and thin. I can go to school, they look happy!

          Mom and Dad, it's a book that can't be read. They give me love, I will never forget it. Now I have to study hard, find a good job when I grow up, and repay my parents.

          父母的愛(ài)英語(yǔ)作文 篇17

          Only in the baby from crying wah-wah, that we invoke the first words whispered parents learn to walk the first time to walk small foot staggering along. The first time carrying a bag to school, the first test scores back, the first from their parents ... ... maybe you've never noted this many times in the first, in the growth of this long road to the parents how much to pay into the How much love. Every time you smile, every success, and even failed every time, every mistake in the minds of parents will never forget, to accompany you around, give you the support of silence ... ...

          We come from? To hear this issue, I am sure you will say that parents bring us up in the world. Yes ah, the day thirteen years ago, our parents with tears, smiles and happiness to greet our arrival. We came to the world from the moment that many parents have a heavy work - to take care of us. Although this is a heavy burden, but the baby's "Wah-Wah" bring to the nursery, we grow up, parents spend much of the effort and sweat, how many days and nights weaving, parents have no complaints.

          Small, I always love their parents as a matter of course, because I do not understand the hard work their parents do not know. Now, I grew up, and I know with a heart of Thanksgiving to appreciate their parents, should take care, the responsibility of your parents.

          But how many people is to give top priority to the parents then? Some people always complain about their parents to do Oh, no, that does not, the behavior of parents and practices of selectivity, to accuse, or even directly contradict with their parents! Some people do not know their own physical health status of parents, parents do not remember their birthday, and some even their own parents in the work units which do not know, to think of it, parents pay so much for our energy and efforts ah!

          When we are confronted with difficulties, to devote all of the people to help us parents.

          When we are wronged, to be patient to listen to our cry of the people, are the parents.

          When we make mistakes, we can not hesitate to forgive us, and parents.

          When we succeed, would like for us to celebrate, to share with us the joy of the parents.

          Now we are far in the field study, we remain concerned about their parents.

          Life is not imagined as the perfect parents for their hard that we can not understand, although we can not live with their parents to share the hardships of a difficult start, but we can be less in their daily lives for their parents to worry about. When parents fall ill, we should be taking responsibility, taking care of their parents? To know that even if an interest in words, even a good hot bowl of instant noodles themselves, their parents, who will comfort the hearts of our anxiety in every possible way.

          Thanksgiving heart of life is better, life is like a piece of white paper, with the heart of Thanksgiving, this paper will be pink. Thanksgiving embrace of life, the background paper is also pink, and will have a better life.

          If today is my last day of life, we are the first thing to do is to return education to take care of me my parents! "The water-en, when the springs of newspaper." Parents not to mention the efforts we have not just "drop", but a vast ocean.

          Thanksgiving, although it is an act of the verb, but it needs more action, more importantly, needs to be done in good faith. To put it simply, Thanksgiving is gratitude, gratitude from the heart.

          父母的愛(ài)英語(yǔ)作文 篇18

          My parents very love me.When I was a young girl,my parents took good care of me.If I had a bad cold,my parents would very worry about me.My parents sent me to have English lessons.

          It improved my English writing and listening skills.Thanks a lot to my parents.I'll study hard and look good after my parents.I'll can't let my parents down.

          父母的愛(ài)英語(yǔ)作文 篇19

          Our parents gave us lives,they gave us love.they talked with me to taught me language.they played with me,took care of me,gave me delicious meals,they gave me many classes to live.when I smiled,they were happier than me.

          when I cried,they were sadder than me.when I made mistakes,they were angery with me.They gave me much love,they gave me a warm family.Thanks to my parents.

          父母的愛(ài)英語(yǔ)作文 篇20

          Who gives me birth? Who brings me up? Who dedicates h is /her whole life to me? My parents.

          Who gives me food? Who gives me clothes? Who gives me care? My parents.

          My parents, they don’t want to get any reward from me. Not only my parents, all the parents in the world don’t charge anything from their children. they give us everything they can. they spend their whole life loving me, so I love my parents, too. Since I was given birth, I’ve started to love them even if I didn’t realize it.

          It will be thea time for my birthday soon. I want to say to my parents: I love you.

          父母的愛(ài)英語(yǔ)作文 篇21

          Who gives me birth? Who brings me up? Who dedicates his/her whole life to me? My parents.

          Who gives me food? Who gives me clothes? Who gives me care? My parents.

          My parents, they don’t want to get any reward from me. Not only my parents, all the parents in the world don’t charge anything from their children. they give us everything they can. they spend their whole life loving me, so I love my parents, too. Since I was given birth, I’ve started to love them even if I didn’t realize it.

          It will be the time for my birthday soon. I want to say to my parents: I love you.






          父母的愛(ài)英語(yǔ)作文 篇22

          I love parents

          Who gives me birth? Who brings me up? Who dedicates his/her whole life to me? My parents.

          Who gives me food? Who gives me clothes? Who gives me care? My parents.

          My parents, they don’t want to get any reward from me. Not only my parents, all the parents in the world don’t charge anything from their children. They give us everything they can. They spend their whole life loving me, so I love my parents, too. Since I was given birth, I’ve started to love them even if I didn’t realize it.

          It will be the time for my birthday soon. I want to say to my parents: I love you.

          父母的愛(ài)英語(yǔ)作文 篇23

          I used to write a composition is about a mother's love, only just realized a mother's love. When I read a story about a mother's love, will be great. But whenever I see a father, I feel very hypocritical. But when I experience, to know the greatness of a father.

          My father looks mediocre, sometimes the mood is not good he will also have the feeling of disgust. He had no talent, even not finished elementary school, he, with a clueless look on his face when I read English sometimes I just in my heart secretly scorn.

          In my eyes he is a "silly".

          One night, eight more minutes, my mother said to me: "it's time for bed, so late. Again the don't come tomorrow." I have to hang down his head, a face of injustice. I laid the quilt, I dull looking at the white ceiling. Secretly wonder that morning new English song "trouble is a friend", at that moment, a stamped on the ground of the voice is getting closer and closer to me, I began to pretend to sleep, it is my dad, he came to the house, he stopped footsteps, even small panting breath, I can feel he has been tightly staring at me. He stopped for several minutes, and then quietly left.

          At this point, I unknowingly shed tears, don't know what I to.

          I've seen people describing a father "the father loves the mountain". I don't know the father. In fact, father is really serious, he just couldn't express. He never said 1: "I love you, baby." Such disgusting words. When what I want, he will try to meet me.

          My father in my life, always will be a giver.

          In that day, I read - deep a father.










