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          Good morning, everyone. I’m No.7. My name is . I come from . It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my teaching plan with you. The content of my lesson is the reading and writing part of Unit3 in Book Two. I’m ready to begin this lesson with seven parts: analysis of teaching material, analysis of students, teaching aims, teaching & learning methods, teaching procedures, blackboard design and teaching reflections.

          First, let me talk about the teaching material.

          Part 1: Analysis of the teaching material

          I will analyze this part from two sections: Book and Content.

          Our textbook published by Jiangsu Education Publishing House is English Basic Module Two for vocational schools. It emphasizes improving Ss’ four language skills—listening, speaking, reading and writing. It also emphasizes interest and utility.

          This unit is the third one and the topic is about bargaining at the market. The aims are to understand shopping information and how to buy goods and make a bargain.

          This is the reading and writing part, which is the highlight of the whole unit. It helps students to know what Buy Nothing Day is and understand its origin and the ideas it advocates, which is the theme of this unit.

          Now, let me have an analysis of my students.

          Part 2: Analysis of the Ss

          My students are from Grade One, majoring in electro mechanics. There are 42 students in all, 9 girls and 33 boys. They are quick in thinking and active in class, though they have a weak language foundation and poor ability of communicating in English. Besides, they love shopping, and they want to know something about shopping in western countries. Therefore, they are wiling to participate in interesting activities in class and are brave enough to express themselves.

          According to the new curriculum standard, the syllabus and my students' situations, I set the teaching aims as follows:

          Part 3: Teaching aims

          Knowledge aims are to enable Ss to master important words , phrases and understand the text and get information about Buy Nothing Day in western countries.

          Ability aims are to enable Ss to improve their reading ability, especially skimming and scanning abilities. And to help them learn to write a complaint letter.

          Emotion aims are to enable Ss to foster the idea of reasonable consumption and raise environmental protection awareness and know team spirit by cooperating with each other.

          According to the teaching aims, the key points of this lesson are to enable Ss to grasp important words and phrases and get details about Buy Nothing Day.

          And the difficult points are to help Ss learn to write a complaint letter and raise the interest of learning English through class activities.

          Next, let me show you my teaching methods.

          Part 4: Teaching & Learning methods

          The aims of learning English are to improve Ss’ four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. As we all know, Ss are the real masters of the class, so the teacher should act as a guider, an organizer and a director.

          Based on my belief that teaching is all for students, I choose the following teaching methods, such as Task-based teaching method, situational teaching approach, student-centered teaching method and so forth.

          My Ss learn English by means of the following ways such as autonomous study, target learning and cooperative study in pairs or groups and so on.

          In order to strengthen students' interest and attention, I present the text through the use of multi-media teaching aids. It runs through the whole class.

          Well, now let me introduce my teaching procedures briefly.

          Part 5: Teaching procedures.

          I set 6 steps to finish studying this part in three lessons.

          Step 1: Lead-in

          Activity 1: Enjoying a video and telling the story about the film:

          Purpose: Story telling can check Ss’ preparation for the class and also train Ss’ oral English and ability of speaking.

          Teaching effect: Actually, my Ss’ did well. They love watching film and have prepared before class, so they were active here and willing to have a try.

          Activity 2: Free talk

          I use Question & answer teaching method here.

          I present four questions. My Ss discuss and answer them.

          Purpose: After discussing the questions, the topic of this passage – “Buy Nothing Day” can be put forward naturally.

          Teaching effect: Shopping is close to my Ss’ daily life, so they had much to say and a relaxed and active atmosphere was built here.

          Step 2: Pre-reading

          Read the new words and phrases, and translate them into Chinese.

          Purpose: This step can not only check Ss’ grasp of words before class, but also make the word preparation for the next reading.

          Teaching effect: In fact, my Ss’ reactions achieved my purpose. They mastered the words well.

          Step 3: While-Reading

          I use Task-based teaching method here.

          Activity 1: Skimming

          Skim the whole passage, and tick the answer to the question: What Buy Nothing Day mean?

          Purpose: Through this task, my Ss can get a general idea of the passage.

          Teaching effect: Actually, my Ss’ could find the right answer according to its

          literal meaning. They were also interested in having a further understanding about the special day.

          Activity 2: Scanning

          Listen to the tape and then finish the multiple-choice questions. Ss can discuss in pairs.

          Purpose: Through this task, my Ss can get more information about the passage and improve their listening ability.

          Teaching effect: In fact, Ss finished this task well in pair discussion.

          Activity 3: Careful reading

          Read the text aloud and find the answers to the questions in group discussion.

          Purpose: Through this task, my Ss can understand “Buy Nothing Day” further in a lively atmosphere.

          Teaching effect: Actually, most Ss’ reactions achieved the purpose. A few Ss had difficulty in answering the questions. But in group work, they solved the problem easily.

          Activity 4: Self-check

          Do T/F questions by themselves without looking back.

          Purpose: Ss can check whether they have understood the passage completely through this task.

          Teaching effect: In fact, most Ss could finish the task well. What’s more, a few mistakes could also be corrected by checking.

          Through the 4 activities, my Ss have a full understanding of the whole passage. By using different reading skills, such as skimming, scanning, their reading abilities are well improved. By different activities, such as individual work, pair work and group work, Ss learn English in a cooperative way.

          Step 4: Consolidation.

          Task: Further understanding

          Think about the advantages and disadvantages that shopping may bring about, discuss in groups and use their own words to finish the table.

          Purpose: Through this task, Ss can consolidate what they have learned today and learn to treat shopping in a rational way so that they can consume rationally in the future. This is internalization.

          Teaching effect: Actually, my Ss have understood the text and had such a heated discussion in groups that they could write down the answers except for some spelling mistakes.

          By this step, it achieved the teaching aims of understanding the text and fostering the abilities of practice, participation and cooperation.

          Step 5: Extension

          I use Situational teaching approach here.

          Activity 1: Having a competition

          My Ss discuss the questions about their different shopping experiences and have a competition to list the shopping problems.

          Purpose: Competition can arouse Ss’ interest. Through this task, the knowledge about shopping Ss got from the text is combined with their daily life.

          Teaching effect: In fact, each pair had their own problems, but some groups made mistakes in writing and expressing.

          Activity2: Having a discussion about how to write a complaint letter to solve the shopping problem.

          Purpose: This step can help Ss to know the main content and component parts of a complaint letter, preparing for the next step.

          Teaching effect: Actually, each pair could find the right order according to their real experience.

          Activity 3: Writing--- completing a complaint letter

          Purpose: Through this step, Ss can master the key points to write a complaint letter. And it trains Ss’ ability of writing.

          Teaching effect: In fact, most Ss are poor in writing. But they could finish the task based on last activity.

          This step leads to the emotion aims of this lesson, which are to treat shopping in a rational way, consume rationally, and develop the Ss’ interest of learning English.

          Step 6: Self-evaluation and Homework

          At the end of the class, I present a form to help Ss review what they learnt in this part and check how much they mastered in the lesson.

          And then according to the survey, I assign homework to students of different levels: lower students, middle-level students and A-class ones. And I also have homework for group.

          Purpose: My homework offers Ss tasks of different levels. They can choose according to their own situations. This kind of homework satisfies the needs of different Ss.

          Teaching effect: The homework for each student has been done well, but the homework for groups had no effect.

          Well, let me talk about the sixth part--- Blackboard design.

          Part 6: Blackboard Design

          My blackboard design is just like this. I divide the blackboard into two parts. I use the left part to write the advantages and disadvantages about shopping. Ss use the right part to have group competition. Each group writes the problems they meet when shopping.

          Part 7: Teaching Reflections

          At last, as a teacher, I have some reflections.


          1. Through different kinds of activities, such as group competition and discussion, Ss’ interest was aroused and a relaxed and active atmosphere was built.

          2. Through different kinds of tasks, such as exercises, cooperation and participation, Ss mastered more knowledge, and their reading ability and writing skills were improved.

          3. More attention was paid to the students’ need and Ss trained their ability of cooperation in pair work and group work.


          1. Rushing to answer made the good students answer more questions. I think the poor students should be given more opportunities.

          2. Discipline problem. I should improve my ability to control the whole class.

          So much for my explanation. That’s all. Thank you!



        全英文PEP英語說課稿 Book 5 Unit 2 My Favourite Seasons說課稿01-13







