        更新時(shí)間:2024-06-01 18:22:33
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          I miss you so much already and I haven't even left yet!


          I'll think of you every step of the w


          Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for y


          Passionate love is a quenchless thir


          The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's hea


          Every day without you is like a book without pag


          Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out


          Love is a light that never di


          May your love soar on the wings of a dove in flig


          She who has never loved, has never liv


          Life is the flower for which love is the hon


          No words are necessary between two loving hear


          Precious things are very few in this wor That is the reason there is just one y


          You make my heart smi


          To: Sharif ~ From: Sara

          Dear Sharif,

          I always thought that dreams were just dreams, but you made them all come true and even better, you built new dreams with me! I can not thank you enough for being more than perfect because you showed me that even all the things that seem wrong are actually opportunities to work at them together and bring us closer together. No matter how far you are and no matter what you do, I always want you to know how much you mean to me, and how much I truly love you and how much I will always be yours forever.

          I love you so much and wish I could be there to hug and kiss you all day and all night long but for now this love letter will have to be my message. but know that you are a big part of me and I think of you all the time. I love you, and I've loved you before I was born, because I believe I was made for you, and will be yours for all eternity.

          Love always,



          Dear Jarmar,

          You just don't knoe type of comfort, you are there for me. It is you you drives me crazy and makes me ething like this in my life. Everything happened in the middle of my exams and I tried so hard to cope. You e your e the drunken stupor I ent I believed I e doposition. Your skin is softer than the finest satin and gloulgating the exotic beauty from forter to me, the only one ents natural to supernatural. You are my angel and forever you will be. The one whose memories I will treasure forever till the day I turn into an angel like you.

          Love always,

          Dee Vynn


          To: Divine Demon ~ From: Barbara

          Dear Divine Demon,

          I understand that we have not been together for very long, but I want to express to you the love that I feel. My life has been a hellish nightmare, one that haunts and never leaves me to peace. The day that I realized that I loved you, my bad dreams ceased.

          What I feel for you is that awesome love that poets write about and that we mere mortals only dream of experiencing. It is the love that is considered unconditional and undying; so great that my heart seems to burst with the joy of it. I cannot fathom living my life without you - waking would never be the same without your sweet face to look forward to; I would not be living, just existing; sleeping would be impossible without you to dream of.

          You have made my life worth every moment, every breath. I know that we are young, and as such are thought not to feel such intense emotion, but what I feel is true and blinding in it's power. You have swept me away and proved to me that magic exists - in you.

          We will be separated soon, but I believe and have faith that what we feel for each other will overcome and outlast the distance. My heart is yours, my soul in your keeping. Please treasure it. Mi amas vin!

          With love,

          Angel in Mist


        dear nadine,

          you have overcome many obstacles within your life which have made you the wonderful person you are today. you should be very proud that you have persevered all your experiences and with it you have lived, acknowledged, and learned and you have never intentionally done on to others as it has been done unto you for you know what it feels like and you have the strength to rise above it all. you are attractive, generous, honest, humorous, intelligent, kind, loveable, loving, passionate and a wonderful mother.

          the person who will obtain the key within your heart in the future will be blessed to have the love in which you are cable of giving to someone. may god bless you and always give you the strength for you to continue to grow and love. love always.


          It's been quite awhile since I've written you a letter. I to know that you can envision your life without me. Where have gone all those promises you once said? I guess promises are really made to be broken. You made me believe that. And so, the best thing to do right now would be to miss you … no more, no less. I just pray that somehow this heart of mine would learn to be contented - contented to be just missing you.



          You are the very air that I breathe, the very love that I need, my heart, my soul, my everything. The sweetest of my memories come when I think of you. I remember the very first day that I saw you, I could not believe I was looking at a human being. I pinched myself the hardest one could ever do so as to wake myself up from the drunken stupor I was in. For a moment I believed I was in heaven; I even danced to the music the angels were singing. Upon opening my eyes I realized I was not in heaven but that an angel had come down to earth, just for me.The music of your voice surpasses that of the greatest orchestra belting out its very best composition. Your skin is softer than the finest satin and glows radiantly illuminating like the sun, setting over a serene pool of crystal clear water. Your eyes dance like mermaids in the sunshine, promulgating the exotic beauty from within your innermost being. Words alone limit me to explaining exactly how I feel about you.I can say you are the sole comforter to me, the only one who ever took the pain to understand me. You dry every tear that falls down my cheeks. Loving you is the best thing that ever happened to me and I will forever cherish the moments we have spent together.Every night I dream of heaven, and I'd gotten used to the idea that they are looking for an angel, one that went missing the day you stepped into my life, the day all my sorrows were washed away and I took a step into the impossible, crossing the margin from natural to supernatural. You are my angel and forever you will be. The one whose memories I will treasure forever till the day I turn into an angel like you.



        dear dinesh,

          it has not been but a short time of getting to know one another and we are totally crazy about the other. i asked you if you believed in soul mates and you said that you believed that god does make a special someone from every man. whether that man finds that someone he was created for or not, i know i was created for you.

          here i am, heart and soul, confessing to the world how i feel about you. i would walk to the ends of the earth to meet you, and yet the funny thing is, looks as if i will have to do that since we haven’t yet met. funny how love works in people’s lives. i sure never expected to neither meet nor find someone as amazing as you. you have touched my heart in so many ways and words couldn’t even begin to explain to you the love i feel for you. without further making it harder on the two of us to be together, i need to tell you that i love you and i am here waiting and when the time is right, will accept you as my husband and spend forever and eternity in your arms. dreaming of you always ... i love you.

          love always,



          'Though still in bed, my thoughts go out to you, my Immortal Beloved, Be calm-love me-today-yesterday-what tearful longings for you-you-you-my life-my all-farewell. Oh continue to love me-never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved. Ever thine. Ever mine. Ever ours.'



          Dear T.,I don't know what it is about you that makes me feel the way I do; no other guy can get to my heart, but you can see through to the depths of my very soul. I care about you more than I ever knew I could care about anyone before. You see, I never thought I could love again, but now I'm so confused. My heart says yes, but my head says no. You wonder why I care about you, but it's simple: when I look into your eyes, I see beyond all the hatred you hold. I see a real person, with real needs, someone who you are afraid to be. But that's okay, because I know the truth and I will wait until the day when you'll break down your walls. Even if it takes many years, I'll be right here, waiting to love you, as I already love you now.

          Love always,Patiently Waiting


          Dear dinesh,It has not been but a short time of getting to know one another and we are totally crazy about the other. I asked you if you believed in soul mates and you said that you believed that god does make a special someone fr-om every man. whether that man finds that someone he was created for or not, I know I was created for you.

          Here I am, heart and soul, confessing to the world how i feel about you. I would walk to the ends of the earth to meet you, and yet the funny thing is, looks as if i will have to do that since we haven't yet met. funny how love works in people's lives. I sure never expected to neither meet nor find someone as amazing as you. You have touched my heart in so many ways and words couldn't even begin to explain to you the love I feel for you. without further making it harder on the two of us to be together, I need to tell you that i love you and I am here waiting and when the time is right, will accept you as my husband and spend forever and eternity in your arms. Dreaming of you always ... I love you.

          love always,nikole


          一、Cold here, icy cold there. You belong to neither, leaves have withered. Your face is pale and blue, a tearful smile. Something in your eyes, whispers words of last good-bye. My heart sinks down, tears surge out.


          二、Hot summer. Cheerful Cocktail. You took my hand. We fled into another world of ba nd. You sat by my side, long hair tied behind, cool and killing. Smile floating on the lemonade, soft and smooth. How I was ?amazed. Your face looked like the cover of the magazine. My head spin. You led my hand, danced along the crazy theme.


          三、Light vied with wine, elegance mixed with fragrance, laughing covered by greetings, the crowed was busy at handshaking. You stood there, eyes on me. I trembled at the sparkles, brighter than the light. A masterpiece from God, I felt dizzy. We were not near, yet we were together.

          燈酒相輝,芳雅相應(yīng),祝辭笑聲此起彼伏,蕓蕓皆勞碌于握手。君站立一旁,美目探 妾。妾瑩燈下顫顫而立。此必上帝之杰作,使暈眩。雖妾與君相隔甚遠(yuǎn),然心相近。

          四、Days ended. You said, you would wait for me at th e Alps side. We would ski against snowflakes dancing in the sky. I gave no answer but a good-bye to accompany your flight. Gone was the plane, I suddenly tasted my pain. I knew I had been silly and stupid, you were in my heart, I shouldn ’t have hidden in the dark. I tried to forget your disappointment. I made believe sometime someday, I would tell you, I feel all the same.


          五、My thought struggled at confessing, somehow hesitation ended in flinching. I continued my role of a fool, clinched to my maiden pride, yet secretly indulged in your promise of the white land -- snow measuring down to us, in your arms I am lifted up. The chiming of Christmas bell!


          六、The bell died in the patter of rain, from hell came the laughing of Satan at my brain. Tearful smile, swallowed by the darkness. How could I trace your hair to wipe your tears? My hands reached out, catching nothing but a raindrop, on a leaf that had withered.


          七、Snowflakes have melted into water, we are no more together.



        Dear Leann,

          I plish a plete. If I hadn't met you. I knoent ent, my mind, but still everyday I e people call it crazy, some call it insane, but I call it true love. I really love you, Baby Bear.

          Love Always,



          Lawrence Sterne to Miss L。

          Yes! I will steal from the world, and not a babbling tongue shall tell where I am。 Echo shall not so much as whisper my hiding place。 Suffer the imagination to permit it as a little sun-light cottage, on the side of a romantic hill。 Dost thou think I will leave love and friendship behind me? No! They shall be my companions in solitude, for they will sit down and rise up with me in the amiable form of my L 。。。 We will be as merry and as innocent as our first parents in Paradise, before the arch-fiend entered that indescribable scene。

          The kindest affections will have room to shoot and expand in our retirement, and produce such fruit as madness and envy and ambition have always killed in the bud。 Let the human tempest and hurricane rage at a distance, the desolation is beyond the horizon of peace。 My L。。。 has seen a polyanthus blow in December 。。。 me friendly wall has sheltered it from the biting wind。 No planetary influence shall reach us but that which presides and cherishes the sweetest flowers。 God preserve us! How delightful this prospect in idea! We will build and we will plant, in our own way 。。。simplicity shall not be tortured by art。 We will learn of nature how to live 。。。 she shall be our alchemist, to mingle all the good of life in one salubrious draught。 The gloomy family of care and distrust shall be banished from our dwelling, guarded by the kind and tutelary deity。 We will sing our choral songs of gratitude and rejoice to the end of our pilgrimage。

          Adieu, my L ......

          Return to one who languishes for your society。









          To the world you may be just one pers To the person you may be the wor


          Where there is love, there are always wish


          You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love h


          Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essen


          Love is not a matter of counting the da It's making the days cou


          With the wonder of your love, the sun above always shin


          Love is a fabric that nature wove and fantasy embroider


          First love is unforgettable all one's li


          In the very smallest cot there is room enough for a loving pa


          Love without end hath no e


          Love's tongue is in the ey


          In love folly is always swe


          There is no hiding from lover's ey


          The only present love demands is lo


          The heart that once truly loves never forge


          Dear Daisy,

          It's the end of the day and I was thinking about you, as usual. I want you to know how much I sincerely love the times we've spent talking. It means so much to me. It truly seems like I've known you forever and I honestly can't imagine life without you now. There will be no looking back, no second thoughts and no regrets. I want you and need only you ... and that love will only grow stronger. Do not be scared my love. Sometimes life hits you with unexpected things that take you totally by surprise. All I can say is you're the best surprise life has given me and your capacity for love, caring, and understanding never ceases to amaze me. I've truly been blessed by finding you and I'll never let you go even if I have to bring you back to Florida myself!

          Your darling,












