        更新時間:2022-02-22 13:29:02
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          1.You make my heart smile.www.yikexun.cn我的心因你而笑。

          2.The road to a lover's house is never long.通往愛人家里的路總不會漫長。

          3.Being with you is like walking on a very clear morning.和你在一起就像在一個清爽的早晨漫步。

          4.It is never too late to fall in love.愛永遠不會嫌晚。

          5.To the world you may be just one person. To the person you may be the world.對于世界,你可能只是一個人,但對于某個人,你卻是整個世界。

          6.Where there is love, there are always wishes.哪里有愛,哪里就有希望。

          7.You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her.你不會因為美麗去愛一個女人,但她卻會因為你的愛而變得美麗。

          8.Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence.愛是永恒的`,外表可能改變,但本質(zhì)永遠不變。

          9.Love is not a matter of counting the days. It's making the days count.愛情不是數(shù)著日子過去,它讓每個日子都變得有意義。

          10.With the wonder of your love, the sun above always shines.擁有你美麗的愛情,太陽就永遠明媚。

          11.Love is a fabric that nature wove and fantasy embroidered.愛情是一方織巾,用自然編織,用幻想點綴。

          12.First love is unforgettable all one's life.初戀是永生難忘的。

          13.In the very smallest cot there is room enough for a loving pair.哪怕是最小的茅舍,對一對戀人來說都有足夠的空間。

          14.Love withoutendhath noend.情綿綿,愛無邊。

          15.Love's tongue is in the eyes.愛情的話語全在雙眼之中。


          1、At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.


          2、Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me.


          3、Distance makes the hearts grow fonder.


          4、love and a cough cannot be hid.


          5、love is a vine that grows into our hearts.


          6、love is ever matter of comedies, and how and then of tragedies.


          7、love is like a butterfly. it goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes.


          8、love is not only a sentiment but also an art.


          9、love is the greatest refreshment in life.


          10、love never dies.


          11、love triumphs over everthing. love has no age, no limit and no death.


          12、no man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won’t make you cry.


          13、I need him like I need the air to breathe.


          14、If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me.


          15、Love is a vine that grows into our hearts.



          1.never frown,even when you are sad,because you never kown who is falling in love with your smile. 縱然傷心,也不要愁眉不展,因為你不知誰會愛上你的笑容。

          2.maybe god wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one,so that when we finally meet the perple,we will know how to be grateful. 在遇到夢中人之前,上天也許會安排我們遇到別的人,在我們終于遇到心儀的人時,便應(yīng)當心存感激。

          3.i love you not because of who you are,but because of who i am when i am with you. 我愛你不是因為你是一個怎麼樣的人,而是因為我喜歡與你在一起時的感覺。

          4. no man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won’t make you cry. 沒有人值得你流淚,值得讓你這么做的人不會讓你哭泣。

          5.don’t waste your time on a man/woman,who is not willing to waste their time on you. 不要為那些不愿在你身上花費時間的人浪費時間。

          6.just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to,doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have. 愛你的人如果沒有按你所希望的方式來愛你,那并不代表他們沒有全心全意地愛你。

          7.first love is unforgettable all one’s life. 初戀是永生難忘的.。

          8.i feel happy at times we have had angry words but these have been kissed away. 我們生氣爭執(zhí)時,愛的雙唇把它們吻得無影無蹤,我的心也頓覺甜蜜。

          9.i miss you so much already and i haven’t even left yet! 盡管還不曾離開,我已對你朝思暮想!

          10.i need him like i need the air to breathe.我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空氣。



          It is a myth that it is not a price to pay for it。


          Absence makes love warm, and it will make it firm。


          Woman's life is a love of history。


          Everything begins with love and ends with marriage。


          The behavior of the collar is a legal blackmail。


          Money in our hands is a tool to keep it free。


          The best partner of his wife is mr。


          You know, people's life is not as good as people think, it's not so bad。


          Do you want to be a happy person? I hope you learn to eat first。


          People pursuit vulgar, property, vanity, luxury, have always seemed to me contemptible。


          Construction in other people's happiness is not true happiness。


          The true perfection of man is not in what he has, but in what he is。


          Humans are the only animals that are going to be red, or the only animal to which it is。


          Habit is habit, no one can throw it out of the window, but coaxed downstairs a step。


          Life is not a game, so we don't have the right to give it up。


          If love does not allow for differences between each other, then why the world is full of differences?


          A short separation can promote love, but it will be a long time of separation。


          Love is a beautiful song, but it is not easy to write a success。


          Love is like wealth, it depends on the wheel of fortune, it is always in a rough and bumpy。


          When love is satisfied, others will charm you all gone。


          Love is just something for a man, for the woman's whole life。


          Love is the history of a woman's life, but only one of the episodes in a man's life。


          Now the lover is always the best。


          Marriage: love is equal to the contradiction of stupid, then add the root。


          If you need a bright marriage, don't choose a girl in the dark。


          The first love, for the love, after a few times, are just for the sake of fresh and comparison。


          Marriage is like a nothing new but repeatedly replay old TV series。


          Every woman has at least one white experiment in her life。


          Marriage is just a bet, who will not love each other。


          Most of the women were allowed to see, only a few women can talk。


          Big companies are not efficient, small companies have no benefit。


          The married man is: for every beautiful, empty your wallet will be mrs。


          Women do not like the kind of man, because the kind of man must be boring。


          Woman shopping Essentials: never let the money in the wallet to make their own regret。


          Marriage is the reason for the call, the cause of the divorce is a short circuit。


          Really can make a woman to become a wife is not a parent, but age。


          Perfect marriage, is a faithful woman with honest man。


          Don't want both play a good lover, and play a good wife role, because it violated the law even bargain。


          The only person who can break his wife's speech is in the mother-in-law。


          Try the modern love affair with Hollywood movies, and set the more advanced clothing。


          Marriage is the most effective way to think about how to waste life。


          The wife needs all her husband, except her husband。


          Love is like butterfly wings, marriage is it hatched caterpillars。


          You don't pick up marriage, marriage will be critical of you。


          There is a stone, the Faith moves mountains, to the people, sincerely for the opening。


          First is the most noble thought, the second is the money; the light has the money and no the most noble idea of the society will collapse。


          If the pain in return is to get to know the truth, to insist on the truth, it should be consciously gladly bear, then, only then, the pain will be happy。


          The happiness of a serious man, is not romantic, entertainment and laughter this kind of frivolous companions, but in the perseverance and fortitude。


          Happiness is not inherently bad, but some joyful production has brought many times more disturbing than happy。


          The struggle for happiness, however hard it is, is not a pain, but a pleasure, not a tragedy, but a play。


          Everyone has a spring, constantly spewing out of life, vitality, love。 If it is not a grooming, it will put the surrounding land into a swamp。


          Since truth and constancy are futile, since love, pain, and rational power can convince the, then make an example as a warning!


          Love is the heart of the tyrant; it makes rational judgment is not clear; it is unknown, do not listen to advice, direction and ran straight crazy。


          Love is a change unpredictably guy, it is eager to get everything, but on almost everything dissatisfied。


          Two kinds of women who are married or not, they are divided into two types of voluntary marriage and forced marriage。


          A woman will have a chance to have a chance for every man, but it will not give every man the key to the door。


          Marriage is like a rope hanging, don't think your feet vacated, will soon end。 In fact, you have to go through a period of struggle, convulsions, suffocation, to reach the stage of quiet。


          Burrowing with the depths of the soul, make the person from the bottom of the spirit of torture and trauma, again from this was injured and sidelined and healing, bitter purged, and anabiosis。


          Humility does not mean much to others less for himself, nor does it mean that admits he is an incompetent generation, but it does mean that fundamentally the themselves indifferent。


          Love is a depletion in the spirit of the passion, love is the flame of the torch to kill will, love is the person into the quagmire of bait, love will be highly wipe on the arrows in the God of destiny。


          1、男人愛上女人后,他會做詩;女人愛上男人后,她會做夢。A man loves a woman, he will do; Women fall in love with a man, she will dream。

          2、愛情不是強扭的,幸福不是天賜的。幸福的愛情需要用心去培育。Love is not a strong twisting, happiness is not a gift。 The need to cultivate love of happiness。

          3、真正可貴的東西,不可能刻意得到,那需要同樣可貴的緣分。Real precious things, cannot be painstakingly, it needs the same precious fate。

          4、愛情就像公共汽車,你等待的那一趟永遠都不開來,你不等的卻總是接二連三。Love is like a bus, you wait for the train never apart, you vary but always barrage。

          5、男人喜歡女人的純,女人喜歡男人的壞。男人和女人始終是矛盾的主體。Pure men like women, women like bad men。 A man and a woman is always contradictory main body。

          6、失敗的男人喜歡和別人比老婆,成功的女人喜歡和別人比老公。Failure of men like and others than his wife, a successful woman like and others than the husband。

          7、男人因為軟弱常常遭到女人們的白眼,女人憑借眼淚經(jīng)常博得男人們的同情。Man because of weak often was the women's eyes, a woman with tears often won the sympathy of men。

          8、或許只有在離得最遠的時候,才能把曾經(jīng)走過的那段日子,看的最真確最清楚。Perhaps only in the furthest, ability once passed that day, see the most authentic most clearly。

          9、純樸無瑕的愛情,具有誠實的品格,裝腔作勢的愛情,披著虛偽的外衣。Simple and pure love, have honest character, putting on an act of love, the garb of hypocrisy。

          10、真正打動人的感情總是樸實無華的,它不出聲,不張揚,埋得很深。Really touched people's feelings are always plain, it is silent and not make public, buried very deep。

          11、男人希望女友經(jīng)歷越少越好;女人卻希望男友經(jīng)歷越多越好。Men want girlfriend experience as little as possible; Woman but hope boyfriend experience more many more good。

          12、初戀如同服用了麻藥,能讓人忘卻痛苦,但也能使人失去理性。First love is like taking the anesthetic, can let a person forget pain, but also can make the person lose reason。

          13、愛一個人并不是一定要得到她,而是要讓她幸福,這就是你對她最好的愛。To love someone and not be sure to get her, but to let her happiness, this is your best love for her。

          14、愛一個人,會想他,思念他,會把自己的一切全融入他之中,會把他當成是整個世界。Love a person, will want to him, miss him, would put their all into his will put him as the whole world。

          15、要是有人追求,世界上沒有一個女人不是飄飄然的。正因為這樣,女人才會那么迷死人。If someone pursuit, not a woman in the world is not high。 Because of this, the female talent will then drop dead。

          16、真正的愛情是什么?它既不是甜蜜的話語,也不是親切的笑容,更不是海誓山盟的誓言。What is the true love? It is not sweet words, is not a kind smile, more is not the oath vows of eternal love。

          17、男人是上帝根據(jù)世界的需要而創(chuàng)造的;女人是上帝根據(jù)男人的需要而創(chuàng)造的。Man was created by god according to the needs of the world; A woman is god created according to the needs of man。

          18、刻骨銘心的愛情之中不僅有笑,還有淚,在纏綿的愛情之中,有太多太多的傷感與惆悵。Deep-rooted of love not only smile and tears, in the love of lingering, there are too many sad and disappointed。

          19、一個憂郁的女人背后必然有一段不幸的愛;一個憔悴的男人的背后必然有一樁不幸的婚姻。A melancholy woman's back there must be an unlucky love; Behind a gaunt man there must be a bad marriage。

          20、美麗的謊言往往比暴力更傷人,肉體的傷可以痊愈,心里的傷卻無藥可治。Beautiful lies hurt you more often than violence, physical injury can recover, the in the mind of the wound is no cure。

          21、記住該記住的,忘記該忘記的。改變能改變的,接受不能改變的。Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten。 Alter what is changeable, and accept what is mutable。

          22、不能見面的時候,他們互相思念,可是一旦能夠見面,一旦再走在一起,他們又會互相折磨。Can't meet, they miss each other, but when to meet, once again walk together, they will torture each other again。

          23、對于男人來說,最漂亮的女人是不能得到的女人;對女人來說,最瀟灑的男人是已經(jīng)擁有的男人。For men, the most beautiful woman is can't get a woman; For women, the most handsome man is a man I already have。

          24、男人最喜歡買而又最無用的東西是筆記本電腦,女人最喜歡買而又最無用的東西是鞋子。Men like best buy and laptop is the most useless things, women like to buy the shoes and is the most useless thing。

          25、愛情就是給你所愛的人幸福,就是你自己的幸福。只要她幸?鞓罚约嚎嘁稽c又何妨。Love is to give your loved ones happiness, is your own happiness。 As long as she happy, what are his bitter point。

          26、童稚之愛的原則是:“因為我愛,所以我愛!背墒熘異鄣脑瓌t是:“因為我愛,所以我被愛!盠ove of childish principle is: "because I love, so I love。" Mature love principle is: "because I love, so I be loved。"

          27、一個人最大的缺點不是自私、多情、野蠻、任性,而是偏執(zhí)地愛一個不愛自己的人。A person's biggest weakness is not selfish, affectionate, savage, and capricious, but paranoid love a not love their own people。

          28、離婚時不要財產(chǎn)的男人,一定不是好男人;離婚時不要財產(chǎn)的女人,一定是好女人。Not when the divorce property of man, must be is not a good man; Not when the divorce property of woman, must be a good woman。

          29、所謂幸福,就是一個笨蛋遇到一個傻瓜,引來無數(shù)人的羨慕和嫉妒,風風雨雨,平平淡淡。The so-called happiness, is a fool meet a fool, attracting countless people envy and jealousy, ups and downs, flatly light。

          30、愛情本來就不復雜,來來去去不過三個字,不是我愛你,我恨你,便是算了吧。你好嗎?對不起。Love was not complex, come and go but three words, not I love you, I hate you, is to forget it。 How are you? I'm sorry。

          31、女人容易遷怒,愛胡思亂想,煩惱又不是布匹,說剪斷就剪斷,唯一的辦法只有覺醒、面對和超越。Woman easy to angry, love thinking, worry not cloth, says it will cut cut and only wake up, the only way to face and beyond。

          32、很多放棄愛情的,對婚姻失望的,甚至離婚的,都是因為要求愛情一直亢奮,不接受它的常態(tài)。A lot of give up love, disappointed in marriage, divorce, even because demand has been stimulated, love don't accept the norm。

          33、男人在街上東張西望被稱作心懷不軌,女人在路上左瞅右瞧被叫做明眸善睞。Look in all directions is called a malicious man in the street, the woman left see right see on the road is called looks at to bright eye be apt。

          34、時間是最公正的'裁判;歷史是最優(yōu)秀的見證人。你終究會知道我如何愛你,但是,要給我一定的時間!Time is the fairest judge; History is the best witness。 You will know how I love you, but, to a certain amount of time for me!

          35、男人和女人在車里吵架生氣,如果是女人開車她會猛踩剎車,如果是男人開車他會猛踩油門。A man and a woman angry quarrel in the car, if she is a woman driving slammed on the brake, if he is a man driving accelerator pedal。

          36、即使不能善待,但那依舊是恩慈,只是幻覺稀薄,即使再劇烈,仍只是煙花,留下的不過一地冰冷的塵埃。If not treated, but it is still a kindness, just illusion thin, even more severe, is still the fireworks, but left a cold dust。

          37、某些人的愛情,只是一種“當時的情緒”。如果對方錯將這份情緒當做長遠的愛情,是本身的幼稚。Some people love, is just a "mood" at that time。 If the other party wrong will this mood as long-term love, is itself childish。

          38、愛情是生命長河中不斷綻開的美麗的浪花,但長河不能因欣賞美麗的浪花而回流不前。Love is constantly bursting in the long river of life the beauty of the waves, but the river can't return back due to appreciate the beauty of the waves。

          39、意見和感情的相同,比之接觸更能把兩個人結(jié)合在一起;這樣子,兩個人盡管隔得很遠,卻也很接近。Opinions and feelings of the same, more than the contact of the two men together; This way, two people although far away, but is very close。

          40、男人要是提出離婚,往往是他已經(jīng)不喜歡她的妻子了;女人要是提出離婚,往往是她丈夫已經(jīng)不喜歡她了。If a man put forward a divorce, is often he didn't like her wife; If a woman filed for divorce, tend to be her husband didn't like her。

          41、放棄一個很愛你的人,并不痛苦。放棄一個你很愛的人,那才痛苦。愛上一個不愛你的人,那是更痛苦。Give up a love you of person, not pain。 Give up a person who you love, that pain。 Fall in love with a do not love you, it is more painful。

          42、愛情是個很奇妙的東西。有時你會因為它的存在而快樂無比,又是你卻會因為它的存在而深陷痛苦之中。Love is a very wonderful things。 Sometimes you may not get happiness, because it's there and you are in pain because it's there。

          43、愛情需要合理的內(nèi)容,正像熊熊烈火要油來維持一樣;愛情是兩個相似的天性在無限感覺中的和諧的交融。Love need reasonable content, as flames to oil to maintain; Love is a two similar nature in the infinite sense of harmonious blend。

          44、世上沒有任何一種動物,跑得比時間和生命快,賽過光陰的不是速度,而是愛情在兩個靈魂之間的慢舞。There is no any kind of animal, run faster than time and life, better than the time is not the speed, but slow dance of love between two souls。

          45、愛情,相信每個人都有對她獨一無二的最好詮釋。沒有一個唯一正確的答案是通用于所有人的,所以從古至今此題無解。Love, I believe that everyone has a unique to her。 Not a single right answer is universal to all people, so it remained unsolved。

          46、愛情的天平加上金錢的砝碼,就會失去幸福的平衡。買賣婚姻成交的時候,往往就是愛情悲劇的開始。The balance of love and the weight of money, will lose the balance of happiness。 Marriage deal, is often the beginning of the love tragedy。

          47、思念總是有不得不收藏起來的時刻,而生命里最舍不得,藏得總是最深,且不讓人知道。Thoughts always have had to collect up moments, but in my life the most loathe to give up, tucked away is always the best, and do not let the person know。

          48、不管多大多老,不管家人朋友怎么催,都不要隨便對待婚姻,婚姻不是打牌,重新洗牌要付出巨大代價。No matter how old, no matter how family friend rush, don't literally take marriage, marriage is not play CARDS, reshuffle will pay a heavy price。

          49、喜歡一個人,是不會有痛苦的。愛一個人,也許有綿長的痛苦,但他給我的快樂,也是世上最大的快樂。Like a person, there will not be painful。 Love a person, may have lingering pain, but he gave me the happy, happy is also the world's largest。

          50、美女喜歡稱贊其他女人的衣服漂亮,有錢的男人喜歡吹捧別的男人收入高,最后的結(jié)果是把話題引到自己身上。Beauty like praise other women clothes beautiful, rich men like to flatter another man income is high, the end result is the subject upon them。

          51、愛情就像嚼口香糖。剛開始時候它是甜的,嚼著嚼著你就覺的它沒味兒了,甚至還會有點兒發(fā)苦,最后就該吐掉了。Love is like chewing gum。 Just began when it is sweet, chewing chewing you felt it didn't taste, even a little bitter, finally the spit out。

          52、愛情是不受制是不受制約的;一旦制度想施X威,愛神就會振翅遠走高飛;愛神和其他諸神一樣,也是自由自在的。Love is not constrained is unchecked; Once the system to the Yin wei shi, god will wings fly away; Love and the other gods, is also free。

          53、真愛是一種從內(nèi)心發(fā)出的關(guān)心和照顧,沒有華麗的言語,沒有嘩眾取寵的行動,只有在點點滴滴一言一行中你能感受得到。True love is a kind of concern and care, from inner no gorgeous words, no grandstanding action, only you can feel in dribs and drabs in word and deed。

          54、愛情像一只表,不上發(fā)條就會停擺;婚姻像一只鐘,除了必須上發(fā)條,還得忍受每隔一小時就“當,當”作響的鐘聲!Love is like a watch, don't wound will lockout; Marriage is like a clock, besides must be wound, also had to endure every hour "when, when" jingle bells!。

          55、愛一個人意味著什么呢?這意味著為他的幸福而高興,為使他能更幸福而去做需要做的一切,并從中得到快樂。Love a person means what? This means that for his happiness and pleasure, to enable him to more happiness and do need to do everything, and to be happy。

          56、愛上一個人有時候已經(jīng)無法忘記,既然不能忘記,那就會要忘記好了,當時間沖淡一切的時候,自然而然就會忘記了。Fell in love with a person sometimes can't forget, since can't forget, that will be forgotten, when the time dilute all, naturally will be forgotten。

          57、男人可以為治水三過家門不入而贏得世世代代贊揚,女人卻因少帶一天孩子少燒一頓飯而受到社會譴責。A man can in water conservancy three house not win praise from generation to generation, the woman but take one day less for children burn a meal less under condemnation。

          58、只有一個男子的專戀能夠適應(yīng)一個少女的初戀要求;也只有少女的初戀能夠滿足一個男子的末戀的欲望。There is only one man only love can meet the requirements for a young girl's first love; There is only a young girl's first love can satisfy the desire at the end of a man's love。

          59、當你經(jīng)歷過愛與被愛,學會了愛,才會知道什么是你需要的,也才會找到最適合你,能夠相處一輩子的人。When you experienced love and be loved, and learned to love, will know what you need, just also can find the most suitable for you, to be able to get along with the rest of my life。

          60、真正的愛往往表現(xiàn)在戀人對他的偶像采取含蓄,謙恭甚至羞澀的態(tài)度,而決不是表現(xiàn)在隨意流露的熱情和過早的親昵。True love is often reflected in lover of his idol took implicative, courteous even shy attitude, which is by no means in casual reveal enthusiasm and premature intimacy。










