        更新時(shí)間:2024-06-08 09:28:40
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          Dear tourist friends, after leaving the Daotang River and the legend ofPrincess Wencheng, we are going to arrive at our beautiful and rich QinghaiLake. Qinghai Lake is called "Xihai" in ancient times, cuowenbu in Tibetan andkukuroer in Mongolian. Do you know why it is called "kukuroer"? According tolegend, Qinghai Lake is beautiful and broad in ancient times, There is a heronamed kukukuzhuoer who helps the people unite and live in harmony. He helps theneighboring tribes to solve the crisis and survive the famine. After his death,he was granted the title of God of unity by the emperor of heaven to protect thegood. From then on, the Mongolians called Qinghai Lake "kukukuzhuoer", which iswhat we call "kukuroer", Modern geological research shows that about 20 millionyears ago, today's Qinghai Tibet Plateau was a vast ocean. Later, due to thecompression of the continental plate and crustal movement, the sea floorgradually uplifted, and gradually formed the Qinghai Tibet Plateau known as the"third pole of the world". The Qinghai Lake was formed by the collapse of faultsin the process of crustal uplift, There are also some very interesting say that this is the youngest son of the old dragon king in Crystal Palace,who brought 108 rivers of water. Others say that when the monkey king wasfighting with Erlang God in the sky, Erlang God was chased here. He felt hungryand thirsty, and found the sacred spring covered by stone slabs. After he ran todrink a lot, he forgot to cover the stone slabs, and the sacred spring rolledout, At this time, the monkey king had caught up with him. Erlang God grabbedfive stones and pressed the spring water. Later, these five stones became fivesmall islands in the lake. Erlang God didn't even care about the food he he ran, he kicked over the pot. There was salt in the pot and it fell intothe lake. From then on, the lake water became salty, As a result, there arelarge and small salt lakes and salt lakes along the Qinghai Lake

          This is the legend of Qinghai Lake. You can see the shining mirror in frontof you, which is embedded between the snow capped mountains and the vastgrassland. It is Qinghai Lake. It covers an area of more than 4400 squarekilometers, 106 kilometers from east to west, 63 kilometers from north to south,with an average depth of 19 meters and an elevation of more than 3260 , Qinghai Lake is the largest inland salt lake in China, Qinghai Lake hasbecome one of the four major tourist areas in Qinghai Province, and hasinitially formed a tourism belt around the lake, which is mainly sightseeing,entertainment, leisure and vacation

          We are now in the lakeside area of Qinghai Lake. It is an ideal summerresort with flat and open terrain, abundant water resources and mild only that, it is also an important animal husbandry base in QinghaiProvince, with rich pasture and fertile land, which are feeding herds of cattleand sheep. Before summer and autumn, the vast grassland is like a layer of greencarpet, and various wild flowers are colorful, The green carpet is decoratedlike brocade and satin. There are a lot of neat farmland around. The wheat wavesare rolling, and the rape flowers are golden. The lake is full of green white seagulls are chasing the fish sails in the air. The herdsmen's tentsare scattered all over the place. The sunrise and sunset scenery is full ofpoetic and refreshing








          青海湖四面環(huán)山,它的東面是我們剛剛走過的日月山,西面是崢嶸嵯峨的橡皮山,南面是逶迤綿延的青海南山,北面是壯麗的大通山. 山水相輝映,構(gòu)成了一副美麗動(dòng)人的畫卷.

          青海湖的魅力不僅在于它的碧草連天,輕波萬(wàn)里,.它還有一些獨(dú)特的自然現(xiàn)象,如文開湖,武開湖.所謂文開湖,就是指一種表現(xiàn)得比較安靜的湖水解凍現(xiàn)象,而武開湖則表現(xiàn)得有如萬(wàn)馬奔騰.聽我這么說(shuō),大家是不是很想去見識(shí)一下呢 昨天我從有關(guān)媒介那得到消息,說(shuō)是過幾天很可能會(huì)出現(xiàn)文開湖這一獨(dú)特的景觀.大家如果有興趣的話,不如在這多呆一兩天,親身去感受一下大自然的神秘莫測(cè).



          Qinghai Lake is the largest inland lake and the largest salt lake in is vast, ethereal and magnificent. It is a huge mirror given by nature toQinghai Plateau.

          In ancient times, Qinghai Lake was called "Xihai", also known as "Xianshui"or "Xianhai". In Tibetan, it is called "cuowenbo", which means "Blue Lake"; inMongolian, it is called "kukunuoer", which means "blue ocean". As the area ofQinghai Lake belonged to the pastoral area of the Beihe people in the earlydays, it was also called "Beihe Qiang sea", and it was also called "Xianhai" inthe Han Dynasty. It was renamed "Qinghai" from the Northern Wei Dynasty.

          Qinghai Lake covers an area of 4456 square kilometers, with a circumferenceof more than 360 kilometers, more than twice the size of the famous Taihu lake is long from east to west, narrow from north to South and slightlyoval. At first glance, it looks like a big poplar leaf. The average water depthof Qinghai Lake is more than 19 meters, the maximum water depth is 28 meters,and the water storage capacity reaches 105 billion cubic meters. The elevationof the lake is 3260 meters, higher than the two Dongyue mountains, Mount use of the high terrain here, the climate is very cool. Even in the hotsummer, the daily average temperature is only 15 ℃, which is an ideal summerresort.

          Qinghai Lake is located in the northeast of Qinghai Plateau. It has vastterritory, vast grassland, numerous rivers, rich water and grass, and quietenvironment. The lake is surrounded by four towering mountains: Datong mountainin the north, Riyue mountain in the East, Nanshan Mountain in Qinghai in theSouth and rubber mountain in the West. The four mountains are all between 3600and 5000 meters above sea level. Looking around, it is like four high naturalbarriers, which tightly encircle the Qinghai Lake. From the foot of the mountainto the lakeside, there is a vast, flat and boundless grassland, while the vastand blue Qinghai Lake is like a huge jade plate embedded between the mountainsand grasslands, forming a magnificent scenery of mountains, lakes andgrasslands.

          The scenery of Qinghai Lake is quite different in different seasons. Insummer and autumn, when the majestic mountains around and the vast grassland onthe West Bank are dressed in green, the Qinghai Lake has beautiful mountains,clear waters, clear sky and beautiful scenery. The vast rolling thousand milegrassland is like a thick green carpet. The colorful wild flowers decorate thegreen carpet like brocade and satin. Countless cattle, sheep and fat horses arelike colorful pearls spilling over the grassland. Large areas of neat andpicturesque farmland beside the lake are rolling with wheat waves, andcauliflower is golden and fragrant; The Qinghai Lake, with its vast expanse ofblue waves and the same color of water and sky, is like a glass slurry ripplinggently. In the cold winter, when the cold current comes, the surroundingmountains and grasslands become withered and yellow, sometimes with a thicklayer of silver. In November every year, Qinghai Lake begins to freeze. The vastand clear surface of the lake is covered with ice, jade and silver. It is like ahuge mirror, shining in the sun and shining all day long.

          Qinghai Lake is famous for its abundant yellow croaker and rich in fishresources. It is worth mentioning that the ice fish produced here are morefamous. Every ice season, after the Qinghai Lake is frozen, people drill holeson the ice to catch fish. Under the temptation of sunlight or light, theunderwater fish will automatically jump out of the ice hole, catch and cook. Ittastes delicious.

          Haixin mountain and bird island in Qinghai Lake are both touristattractions. Haixin mountain, also known as Longju Island, covers an area ofabout 1 square kilometer. Rocky island, beautiful scenery, since ancient timesto produce Longju famous. The famous bird island is located in the west ofQinghai Lake, near Buha River, the largest river in the lake. Its area is only0.5 square kilometers, but there are more than 100000 migratory birds in springand summer. In order to protect the bird resources on the island, there are alsospecial agencies responsible for bird research and protection.

          There are vast natural pastures, fertile fields and rich mineral resourceson the Bank of Qinghai Lake. It is snowy in winter, rainy in summer and autumn,abundant in water and rainfall, which has good conditions for the development ofanimal husbandry and agriculture. As early as in ancient times, it was animportant place for horses, cattle, sheep and other livestock. The horsesproduced in the area of Qinghai Lake were very famous in the spring and Autumnperiod and the Warring States period. They were called "Qin horses" at thattime. The ancient famous book of songs once described the majestic and goodgallop of "Qin horse". Later, in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the horses producedhere developed into unique good horses after mating with "Wusun horse" and"Xuehan horse". It is not only famous for its charisma, but also for its abilityto fight.

          Qinghai Lake is surrounded by flat terrain, fertile land, agriculturalproduction also has broad prospects. While giving priority to the development ofanimal husbandry, the local people have also planned to open up forage and feedbases, set up state farms, and develop crop production based on oil and feed. Inthe desolate and lonely grassland of the past, they have successively built anumber of new towns, such as Daotanghe, and then set up a number of factoriesand mines, including coal, building materials, mechanical repair, furprocessing, and so on Ethnic products, etc.







          Is located in known as the "roof of the world", the northeast of qinghai-tibet plateau, located in the northeast of qinghai province tongshan, riyue mountain, qinghai nanshan, surrounded on three sides by mountains and faces the scenery magnificent, is the largest salt water lake in China, called the west lake. Scenic area in plateau lakes as the main body, both grasslands, snow-capped mountains, desert landscape, etc.

          Three stone mountain, the lake has a sea heart xishan, bird island, sea, sand island five forms of islands, mountains, unique landscape, it is known as the bird island. The lake is 3266 meters above sea level, it is about 90 kilometers long, the north and the south, about 40 km wide, covers an area of 4635 square kilometers, and the basin area is 10 times greater than the surface of the lake, there are 50 short import from all corners of the three mountains, river no sea pathway, which is the largest inland lake. Lake qinghai Mongolian called "Noel", Tibetan language is called "wimbledon", that is the meaning of "blue lake". Lake qinghai lake less oxygen content, salt content, the biggest plankton scarce, transparency of 8-9 meters above, so is very blue.

          Lake full of vitality, stroll everywhere yak, cattle, sheep eating grass, constitute a "wind blow grass low see cattle and sheep" idyllic picture. The lake there are two wonders, one is the fishing grounds, one is bird island. Green lake is rich in fish pool lake, is a rich natural fishing grounds. The qinghai-tibet plateau is fascinating treasure-house, since ancient times, mountain scenic spots are mainly sea heart and bird island. Bird island, to 10 m above the lake, known as the "kingdom of the birds," said, every spring, a large number of birds from places such as India, Nepal, all the way to qinghai lake thrive, autumn XieEr and women to fly back to the south, the state attaches great importance to this kind of bird resources, on the island has special protection agency. Also called great scholar island sea heart mountain, covers an area of about 1 square km,, green water on show here, beautiful scenery. Provided a lot of people once in the heart the mountain temples, and houses, some monks practice on the island, many shepherds to island grazing, "buddhist mountains" has become a unique landscape.

          Qinghai lake, the beautiful and rich is rich in taste and high nutrition put the fish. The vast natural pasture, on both sides of lake here much snow in winter, and rainy summer, grass thon, had a good conditions of the development of animal husbandry, already became the important animal husbandry base of qinghai province.

          Around the qinghai lake water is enough, abundant rainfall, fertile land, cattle and sheep flocks, pastoral, at the same time of developing animal husbandry, local people are fully developed oil, feed mainly of agriculture.
























          Qinghai lake, the ancient called "west sea", also called "fresh water" or "fresh sea". The Tibetan language is called "wen bo", meaning "blue lake"; Noel of Mongolian call it "silo", namely "blue ocean". Earlier due to the qinghai lake area belongs to low grain race's pasture, so also called the "sea of British hetian qiang," han dynasty has called it a "sea". From northern wei dynasty then changed its name to "qinghai". Qinghai lake is China's largest inland lake, is also China's largest salt water lake, an area of 4456 square kilometers, more than 360 kilometers around the circumference, more than twice of the famous lake tai. Lake something long and narrow north-south, slightly oval. At first glance, like a mast of poplar leaves. Qinghai lake, on average, about 19 meters deep, maximum depth of 28 meters, storage capacity of 105 billion cubic meters, the lake is 3260 meters above sea level, more than two dongyue Mount tai is higher. Due to the terrain, the climate here is very cool. Even the heat of summer, the average temperature also only 15 ℃ in the left, is an ideal summer resort of the summer. Qinghai lake is Tibetan culture area, not only has the common features of Tibetan cultural district, with Tibetan culture area consists of folk customs, culture origin, at the same time also has its own unique characteristics of water culture, including the sea, lake has a long history of culture, as well as the kunlun culture and west culture is also to a certain extent, affects the cultural development of qinghai lake area, constitute the qinghai lake unique cultural atmosphere. These characteristic culture in national festival activities, to the Tibetan People's Daily life have been good retention and reflect. Lake qinghai lake area of natural landscape are: mountain, qinghai lake, bird island, sea heart sand island, three stone, silurian sword; Lakeside landscape savanes mainly Riyue mountain, daotang river, small bayhood, cloth ha river, deal, hot springs, wrong, Xia Geer mountain, a lake and listen to the springs and gold silver beach grassland etc. Lake qinghai humanities landscape are: qinghai lake is the southern silk road and Tang Fan ancient path, is the ancient regime of ethnic minority areas, whether in ancient traffic, or in the national culture in history have left patches. Old and full of mysterious religious temples, many historical sites and historical legends. Mainly include: kunlun culture, nourished legend, riyue mountain princess wencheng to Tibet history stories and legends, triangle city ruins - west county, FuYu city ruins, tongue's paintings, longyan, carved stone, the sea sea, white temple, Buddha temple, shatou turks temple and just after the temple, the panchen aobao, lahm zhe temple, incense wood valley, jianggar era of xian BaShi city and home of bo, etc, there are retired the first nuclear weapons development base in China. "Sea monster" in the native herdsmen surrounding been around for hundreds of years. Early years of the qing emperor qianlong in the implement of the new survey of the xining specific records said: "live animal husbandry in qinghai Mongolia, see the sea with objects, cow body leopard first, white, black, red green, MAO step wave wave, rapid as surprised magpie, nearshore see people, namely into the water, don't know why the beasts". Is eye step "sea monster" nomads, cult, niang offering sea, laid the cattle and sheep dishes that look, so Neptune apparition of the spread of going, rounds. In recent decades, the information on qinghai lake "sea monster" from time to time. Hiding now as in 1947, but a man named qi sixty-three minority lama temple to worship through qinghai lake in Tibet with the division, falling moment in the sun, a five times than the colourful cow senior monster emerged, andthe swam to the shore, like a dragon, the first round Angle, eyes shining. In the spring of 1949, hala straight groove township village of huzhu county Ma Sanwa han Chinese farmers, for life has forced out gold, rest when have dinner in qinghai lake, the lake on a piece of black thick slide on the floating "log", zhang yu long, it was later slowly sliding out long neck "log", which has the head of the snake, scales sharply under the sunlight sort luster, go to the middle, suddenly vanished. In 1982, when there is a motorized boats on the lake, the ship's people see not far ahead, is shaped like a fishing boat moving play wave ups and downs, is preparing to close observation, has went into the water. In 1987, a travel agency in qinghai, a Mr On condition of anonymity, the afternoon to the lake, suddenly discovered that rippling lake emitted a ErSanTou monster, the size of the cow back beige, thought it was a big fish, suddenly flung back like the monster Ostrich slender neck, triangular head, seems to have water spraying. He suddenly realized that this could be a plesiosaur, snapped a black-and-white photograph, to shoot the monsters have been submerged in the water, before and after about 20 or 30 seconds. There are dozens of people have witnessed the lake monster, it is a mystery, scientists remains to be further studied. About the legend of qinghai lake "sea monster", to the qinghai lake covered with a layer of thick mysterious color.












          青海湖被稱為中國(guó)最美麗的湖泊;蛟S您不禁要問,中國(guó)湖泊成千上萬(wàn),星羅棋布,氣象萬(wàn)千,這座大西北的內(nèi)陸湖,又何以稱為中國(guó)最美呢?在大家親自去探究原因之前,先讓我來(lái)為大家做個(gè)鋪墊吧。 話說(shuō)2005年10月,由《中國(guó)國(guó)家地理》雜志發(fā)起并主辦了評(píng)選“中國(guó)最美麗的地方”的活動(dòng),在此次由大眾參與的評(píng)選活動(dòng)中,青海湖在湖泊類中被評(píng)為中國(guó)最美麗五大湖之首。參加此次評(píng)選活動(dòng)的專家說(shuō):“青海湖有一種東方的氣質(zhì),看似簡(jiǎn)單,但簡(jiǎn)單中蘊(yùn)含的東西卻很深廣!








          其三,青海湖的美在于她奇特的成因以及由此產(chǎn)生的傳奇神話 青海湖是構(gòu)造斷陷湖。是距今4千萬(wàn)前,印度洋板塊和歐亞板塊經(jīng)過長(zhǎng)期碰撞和擠壓,青藏高原隆起的結(jié)果。研究表明,青海湖原來(lái)是外瀉湖,周圍百川之水盡匯湖中,湖水又從現(xiàn)在倒淌河等處向東流入古黃河,后來(lái)由于地殼斷裂形成的造山運(yùn)動(dòng),致使青海湖東面的日月山漸漸隆起,使湖水的出口被山脈所阻隔,青海湖便成為只進(jìn)不出的高原大湖。










          生活在青海湖周邊的牧民至今保留著一個(gè)神圣的習(xí)俗——祭海。因?yàn)榧篮,青海湖在唐宋元明各個(gè)朝代依次有了“廣潤(rùn)王”“靈顯青海大瀆之尊神”“神靈”“水神”等稱號(hào)。大規(guī)模的祭;顒(dòng)起源于雍正年間。雍正二年,青海蒙古族首領(lǐng)丹津反清叛亂,脅迫眾臺(tái)吉造反,侵占騷擾青海各地,大將軍年羹堯帶領(lǐng)部隊(duì)平亂。沒想到追擊叛軍到青海湖時(shí),大軍的飲水不夠了。要知道青海湖是一個(gè)咸水湖,大部隊(duì)就這樣守著諾大的青海湖犯愁。年大將軍這邊正在發(fā)愁,那邊來(lái)了一隊(duì)騎兵。巧的是,有幾個(gè)馬蹄子正好踏上了地上的泉眼,頓時(shí)淡水噴涌而出!大將軍歡呼:“這是青海湖的神靈在保佑我們。 睂⑹總冾D時(shí)士氣大振,一鼓作氣,殲滅叛軍。雍正帝聽聞后,大為高興,詔封“靈顯宣威青海湖”,御賜神位,傳驛站速轉(zhuǎn)青海,安放到海神廟內(nèi)并詔于每年秋八月(農(nóng)歷七月十五日)定期祭海,不得有誤,從此便開始大規(guī)模祭;顒(dòng)。






          Located in the northeast of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, which is known asthe "roof of the world", and between Datong mountain, Riyue mountain and NanshanMountain in the northeast of Qinghai Province, surrounded by mountains on threesides, it is the largest salt lake in China with magnificent scenery, which wascalled West Lake in ancient times. The main part of the scenic spot is plateaulake, with grassland, snow mountain, desert and other landscapes.

          There are Haixin mountain, three stones, bird island, Haixi mountain andsand island in the lake. The mountains are emerald and the landscape is is famous for bird island. The lake is 3266 meters above sea level, 90kilometers long from east to west and 40 kilometers wide from north to south,covering an area of 4635 square kilometers. The basin area is 10 times largerthan that of the lake. There are 50 short rivers flowing in from all sides ofthe three mountains. There is no access to the sea, so it is also the largestinland lake in China. Qinghai Lake is called "kunuoer" in Mongolian and"cuowenbu" in Tibetan, which means "Blue Lake". The water of Qinghai Lake ischaracterized by low oxygen content, maximum salt content, few plankton, andtransparency of more than 8-9 meters, so it is particularly blue.

          The lake area is full of vitality. Yaks and cattle can be seen everywhere,and sheep can eat grass, which constitutes a pastoral picture of "cattle andsheep can be seen in the grass when the wind blows". There are two wonders inthe lake area, one is fishing ground, the other is bird island. Qinghu lake isrich in Huangyu, which is a rich natural fishing ground. The Qinghai TibetPlateau has been a fascinating place since ancient times. The main scenic spotsare Haixin mountain and bird island. Bird Island, 10 meters above the lake, isknown as the "bird kingdom". Every spring, a large number of seabirds come toQinghai Lake from India, Nepal and other places to breed. In autumn, they flyback to the South with their children. The state attaches great importance tothis kind of bird resources and has set up special protection institutions onthe island. Haixin mountain, also known as Longju Island, covers an area ofabout 1 square kilometer, with beautiful water and beautiful scenery. In thepast, people built many temples and houses on Haixin mountain. Some lamaspracticed on the island, and many herdsmen came to the island to graze. The"mountain Buddha Temple" has become a unique landscape here.

          Qinghai Lake is beautiful and rich, rich in delicious and nutritious e are vast natural pastures along both sides of the lake. It is snowy inwinter, rainy in summer and autumn, and has good conditions for the developmentof animal husbandry. It has become an important animal husbandry base in QinghaiProvince.

          Qinghai Lake is surrounded by abundant water resources, abundant rainfall,fertile land, flocks of cattle and sheep, and melodious pastoral songs. Whilevigorously developing animal husbandry, the local people have also fullydeveloped oil and feed based agriculture.





































