        更新時間:2022-11-18 17:46:05
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          Laomendong, did you go? Today I went to laomendong. It is located in the south of the old city in Qinhuai District of Nanjing City, with coop alley as the central axis, supplemented by three camps, Zhongying and bianying.

          Earlier, I was still very curious, old Mendong, is it old?

          At the gate, I know that there are former residences of Jiang Shoushan and Fu Shanxiang in santiao camp. Jiang Shoushan, also known as Jiang Shiquan, a Hui nationality, was a great master in Nanjing in the late Qing Dynasty. It is said that he made his fortune by driving donkeys. He was called donkey Jiang. He has a number of real estate in Nanjing, now know there are three: one is located in the quiet lane, now calm market new building. There is also a place in the three battalions east of the South Gate of the city. Fu Shanxiang was born in Jinling (now Nanjing) in the late Qing Dynasty. Born in a scholarly family, he is very intelligent and likes to read classics and history. The first female champion in the period of peaceful heaven. Kutong lane was originally named after Shen Wansan, the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River, who was born in the late Yuan Dynasty and the early Ming Dynasty. He is the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River. It is said that his family has a cornucopia. It looks old enough!

          As soon as I saw the coop alley, I saw that there was a kind of strange purple flowers at the entrance of coop alley, fresh and chic. In front of the distant and near hall, there is a benevolent target Guanyin at the door. There are all kinds of jade ornaments in the hall, which are extremely pedantic. What's more fresh is a very smart big coop next to the hall. A tree was planted in the coop. My mother said that the coop can protect the tree from being blown down by the wind, and the tree can feel the coop as a sunshade. The rickshaw, which is a few steps away from the bucket, is even more strange. The rickshaw is made of a lot of books, but it can't see any metal! It's waiting there faithfully, as if its owner will leave at any time, and its owner is a kind-hearted man. He wrote a lucky note on the rickshaw: "when the horse comes, good luck will come, and happiness will come naturally!"

          Walking about 10 meters further, I found a noodle maker's stall, which really attracted me. Look at the monkey king holding up his golden cudgel, the sunflower opening up in the wind, the naughty pleasant goat nodding, and the beautiful goat raising his hand.

          On the pink wall at the end of the alley, I saw the nursery rhyme with pictures and texts. I was so happy: "the gate of the city is a few feet high, thirty-six feet high, ride a flower horse, take a knife, walk under the gate; the gate of the city is a few feet high, thirty-six feet high, ride a white horse, take a knife, walk into the gate and fall.

          Laomendong is the crystallization of Nanjing's ancient history and culture, and a pearl in Nanjing's history. She has the former residences of Jiang Shoushan, Fu Shanxiang and so on. Some pedantic idioms such as Jiang langcai, yiyudaopo and so on are waiting for your eyes!


          The famous West Lake is like a brilliant pearl embedded in the beautiful and fertile shores of the East China Sea near the mouth of the Hangzhou Bay. The lake covers an area of 5.6 square kilometers. The view of the West Lake is simply enchanting, which offers many attractions for tourists at home and abroad.

          Tiger-running Spring

          The legend goes that two tights ran there and made a hole where a spring gushed out. The Longjing Tea and the Tiger-running Spring water are always reputed as the "Two Wonders of the West Lake".

          The Lingyin Monastery

          The Lingyin Monastery, or the Monastery of Soul’s Retreat, is a famous historical site of the West Lake. Here exists the Lingyin Monastery, a famous ancient temple in China, in front of which there are Feilai Peak, Cold Spring, Longhong Cave and precious rock cave arts and queer and varied natural caves and gullies.

          Spring Dawn at Su Causeway

          It’s a 2.8 km. long boulevard cutting across the south-north scenic area, and lined with trees and flowering plants. When Spring comes with crimson peach blossoms and green willows; the scenery is all the more charming. Strolling along the boulevard, one feels as if the West Lake were wakening in dawn mist. Young willows were ethereal, spring breeze so caressing, and birds were chirping in unison.

          The Moon Reflected in Three Pools

          "There are islands in the lake and three are lake on the islands." The three stone towers were first built in Yuanyou 4th year (1089) of the Song Dynasty, with the wonderful scenery of "one moon in the sky having three reflection in the lake", it is one of the wonderful scenes of the West Lake.


          Dear visitors:

          Everybody is good!Everybody call me weeks. Today,I take you to visit the Great Wall of world—famous. During the visit,please protect the cultural heritage,the wall graffito of the scribble not,not disorderly garbage.

          Chairman MAO once said:"not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall." As a Chinese people why don't we go visit?Right!Now we will go when men,mounted the former see head,after the end of the Great Wall. There is a touching legend about the Great Wall:intelligent and hardworking meng jiangnu,in order to find the officers and soldiers to catch to built the Great Wall's husband,all the way to the Great Wall. After more than doubling about,but learned that her husband is alive dead tired!The news like a bolt from the blue,meng jiangnu cry for three days and three nights at the foot of the Great Wall,"bang" 1,the Great Wall in 800.

          Now we are standing on the badaling Great Wall,stepping at the foot of the square brick,holding the stone on the wall. Tourists,look at the countless stone,a two or three one thousand catties,at that time there were no trains,cars,no crane,rely on countless countless hands,shoulders step by step,carry on the steep mountains. Look at these,you can think of the Great Wall is perhaps the epitome of many working people sweat and wisdom.

          The beauty of the Great Wall,also don't say don't say it now,please walk to enjoy!


          At the end of winter and the end of spring, I once again set foot on theway to and from Chu and Wu. Now it is dusk, and my boat is sailing on Jiangdong.I stood up and looked at the beautiful place I had passed several times. A touchof sunset reddened the thin clouds. The river reflected the beautiful scenery ofJiangbei Gushan in Jiangsu town. A gentle breeze swept over the lake, ripplinglayers of microwaves. I told the boatman to dock here and leave the next day.The boatman did the same.

          I sat back again, holding my glass and enjoying the euphemistic night. Idon't know when I fell asleep. Maybe I've been immersed in the beautifulscenery

          In the early morning, I was woken up by the sound of rowing. I looked atthe rising sun with mist in my eyes. A thin layer of fog on the river made thedistant green mountains flicker. "The mountains are so far away!" I can't helpsighing! Really, I can't even see the black and blue, and the end of my journeymay still be on the other side of the mountain. The reflection of the mountainis very long. The boat is driving quietly on the emerald green river, as ifafraid of waking up. The sun shines on the lake, and everything turns fiery red.The scene became so fast that there was no time for people to remember it, sothe next scene appeared again. The fish in the water also showed their headscuriously, trying to understand

          The tide is slowly rising, making the original flat river more vast Ah, nowon the river, I am alone. I paced to the bow of the boat, and the river wasbeating the boat at a constant speed. Looking at the broad river, looking at thered sky, in my heart there is a feeling that the sea is broad with fish, and thesky is high with birds flying. The sails were full in the breeze. The boatpushed on. The songs of birds and insects near the ears are high, low, slow andurgent. Lie down on your back and enjoy what nature has brought me

          So I spent the night again

          The night on the river is very cold, and it's the night of the old winterand the new spring. I was awakened by the cold. I went back to the cabin and gotthe quilt. I lay on my back in the bow of the boat and looked up. In the coldblack night sky, there was an incomplete crescent moon. This crescent moon makesme familiar and strange. I remember that at this time of last year, thisincomplete crescent moon seemed to accompany me through another waterway. It wasmore desolate than last year. This feeling was very strange. I always felt thatthe moon and I were a family, ha ha!!

          So I mixed with all kinds of complex emotions through the cold night, onceagain, ushered in the dawn, but the moon is still hanging half of the sky.Everything that happened last night is in front of us. Looking at the newbornsun, I can't help but feel the sad darkness in my heart. Then there is the warmdawn. A sense of hope arises spontaneously in my heart. Suddenly, I think of thecoming new year, the old mother, wife and children, the cattle and black dog,and the family reunion and mutual respect in the past years Ah

          Now I'm alone and can't be reunited with my family. I feel sad. But when Ithink that I'm busy for my country, I feel sad. I wrote a letter from home onboard. So far, I have written several letters, but I don't know how to send themback to my hometown. Geese just go back to the north, I put a little bit ofemotion in the letter on geese, hope geese can send back my emotion In the backof the letter I couldn't send out, I filled in another sentence: "my son isaway. I hope my mother won't be afraid that my son won't come back. Geese flyingsouth, home in the north, I will return soon after my long journey

          With tears in my eyes, the boatman holds the oar and moves closer to thedistant country. I suddenly recited the poem that I had been brewing for a longtime in my heart, "outside the green mountains, before sailing on the greenwater. The tide is flat, the banks are wide, and the wind is blowing. The Seagrows day and night, and the river springs into the old year. Where can thelocal books be reached, they will return to Luoyang. "


          Dear visitors! I am reading a guide. Very glad to be with all of youtogether to visit one of the world natural heritage west lake.

          Now we came to the west lake broken bridge by car. Legend of the whitesnake met xu xian and the white niang son of time is on the bridge! One sidebroken bridge connecting north road, attached to bai causeway. Some people willask: broken bridge isn't broken, why called middle-east? Because, this and thewest lake, one of the ten views about the "broken bridge can xue". Under theheavy snow in winter, a piece of white on the bridge. Because the bridge side ofchaoyang, so that side of the snow melted quickly. At this moment, far look likea broken bridge.

          Now we have covered the broken bridge came to the famous bai causeway. Doesanyone know why the dike said bai causeway? Tell you, because the bai juyi inhangzhou high rank, in order to prevent the west lake is the lake sediment isfull, so they use mud built into the bai causeway. Bai causeway is located inthe middle of the west lake, is a very good observation. Visitors look up at thefront, please treasure baochu pagoda, like a sword stands in treasure Chumountain, much like a warrior guarding the west lake. On the bai causeway is themost beautiful plants, look! A peach on a willow, make people feel regrettedleaving! Now looking into the my left hand side, the west lake lake like a pieceof jade green, quiet like a mirror. Cruise ships and original slip quietly onthe surface of the lake. More distant, kam with little tunnel round, it's is afamous couplet wrote: jin belt, little tunnel round, round as a mirror, themirror as the nations jiuzhou. The different of the west lake, is surrounded bymountains all around it, the mountain CengLinJinRan, give a person the aestheticfeeling of painting.

          The journey to the west lake is coming to an end, I really a littlecourage, if you come again next time, I must be your tour guide again.


          Han street is the "top of six Chinese cities". Han street is the center ofWuhan Central Cultural District

          "Eye", with the richest commercial content and the most fashion brands inChina, integrates the world's top cultural projects to create six of China'sbest, known as "China's first commercial street".

          Han street, which is built along the South Bank of Chu River, is thelongest commercial pedestrian street in China (and the longest commercialpedestrian street in the world).

          Under the setting sun, the blue waves ripple gently. Sit in the bow of aluxury cruise ship and enjoy the magnificent scenery on both sides of theStrait. Wuhan, where is more beautiful than here; China, there are severalcities, can be comparable to here, in the atmosphere hidden in the gentle,hidden in the downtown delicate.

          Chuhe River, based on the "Dongsha connection" project, is a new jade beltin Wuchang City. It is 2.2 kilometers long and 40 to 70 meters wide

          East Lake and Shahu Lake, two lakes in the main urban area of Wuchang, willbe connected. Han street, designed by Wanda Group and world famous architects,is located on the South Bank of the Chu River, with a total length of 1500meters and a total area of 180000 square meters. It is a "kingdom in the city"with cultural tourism as the core and integrating commerce, food, leisure andentertainment.

          Building alone is not enough. Wanda Group also cooperates with Frankperforming arts company, the most famous American performing arts company in theworld, to invest 2.5 billion yuan to create a variety show that surpasses allthe performing levels in the world and will be staged in hanxiu theater.

          In addition to hanxiu theater, in the west section of Hanjie, Wanda Groupwill invest 2.5 billion yuan to build the world's only movie culture theme park,with a total construction area of 80000 square meters. Its construction designeris still mark Fischer, whose creativity comes from the essence of Chu Culture -chime. The theme park is designed with 10 film technology entertainmentprojects, including 4D cinema, 5D cinema, 6D cinema, interactive cinema,simulation cinema, dark ride, indoor roller coaster, etc. The project bringstogether the latest global top entertainment technology, called "indoorUniversal Studios".

          In addition to the theater and movie theme park, there is a popular stagein the middle of Han street, which is also dotted with Quyuan square, Zhaojunsquare, Zhiyin square, Yaosheng square, Taiji square, etc. to enhance theinfluence of Chu Han culture by commemorating Hubei historical and culturalcelebrities.


          Linyi (named after Linyi River), located in the southeast of Shandong Province, is an important logistics center in China. It is an important birthplace of Dongyi culture and phoenix culture. It is a famous historical and cultural city, a famous Chinese calligraphy City, and a famous old revolutionary base area and a scenic spot in modern times. Linyi is adjacent to Rizhao City in the East, Jiangsu Province in the south, Zaozhuang and Jining in the west, and Tai'an, Zibo and Weifang in the north. It is one of the important birthplaces of Chinese civilization with pleasant climate, four distinct seasons, sufficient light and abundant rainfall. Linyi has now become a mega city in East China, the capital of China's trade and logistics, and a city specially approved by the customs to implement the "customs clearance method for tourist shopping goods". Linyi is the permanent venue of China (Linyi) International Trade and logistics Expo, China market trade expo and China Linyi scholar culture festival. On February 4, 20xx, Linyi ranked sixth among the top ten romantic cities in 20xx.

          Linyi University (2) culture and art flourished. The municipal library has a collection of more than 500000 paper books, more than 1000 kinds of Chinese and foreign newspapers and periodicals, and more than 76000 reader cards, which has been rated as the national first-class library; the Municipal Museum has a collection of more than 10000 cultural relics, which has been rated as the national second-class Library; the municipal Mass Art Museum has been rated as the national first-class library. There are three national first-class libraries and six first-class cultural centers. The cultural facilities of villages and towns have been gradually improved. Comprehensive cultural stations have been built in all 157 townships in the city. According to the five one standards of "one rural stage, one village folk custom exhibition room, one multi-function hall, one community library, and one cultural corridor", 300 community comprehensive cultural service centers have been constructed, upgraded, and rebuilt.


          Dear friends hello, everyone, I am a dream tour, the tour guide is my family name is tu, you just call me tu guide, we have to go to the tourist attractions is the famous Summer Palace. First of all, I will simply tell about for you. The Summer Palace, located in the northwest of Beijing, the original is the qing dynasty imperial garden and palace. Formerly qingyi park was founded in 1750, built in 1764, by British and French troops burned down in 1860. In 1866, the empress dowager cixi embezzled navy funds and other funds to rebuild, and in 1888, renamed the Summer Palace.

          In 1900, the Summer Palace and was severely damaged, the eight in 1902 to repair again. Well, the Summer Palace, everyone please follow me to visit us. Look, we have arrived at the corridor, the pillars of the green paint, red paint of the rail, as the eye is not the end. The aisle has more than seven hundred meters long, divided into 273. Transverse sill painted with figures, flowers and plants, landscape, thousands of picture no two are the same. Walk the promenade, we came to the foot of longevity hill again, you see, there is the Buddha incense, the following is a row of cloud temple. Free now, come here on time at 2:30 in the afternoon, please, goodbye.


          taishan mountain in shandong was included as world cultural and natural heritage by unesco in dec 1987. taishan mountain, a typical representative of the chinese famous traditional mountains, is a mountain with a long history and a special historic status. in 1982, taishan mountain was up into the list of state key scenic spots and was formally listed in the directory of world natural and cultural heritage in 1987. it becomes a precious heritage of human being. taishan mountain locates in the east of north china plain and the middle of shandong province erecting from the shandong hills. it is prominent around other hills. the prominent peak, yuhuang peak, is 1545 meters high and locates in east 117.6 degree, north 36.16 degree. the south of taishan mountain is higher than the north. its south foot of mountain begins from tai an city and its north foot of mountain stops in jinan city, the distance between which is 60kms. in taishan mountain, the transportation is convenient with the jinghu railway passing by in the west. in its north is jinan city, which has another name of spring city . the distance between taishan mountain and

          qubu is 70kms. many roads and railways such as taifei, taixin, taining, and taiji meet in tai an city, which just locates in the south of taishan mountain.

          taishan mountain is in a superior geographic location with abundant water and thermal resources, and its climate belongs to the warm temperate zone half wetness monsoon climate. as regard to its historic position, in the ancient times, taishan mountain is a developed region—— in the lower reaches of the yellow river. as regard to its cultural position, it is the center of dongyi culture. in the south foot of taishan mountain, there is da fenkou culture, and there is longshan culture in its north foot, it is the center of qi and lu. and its transportation is more superior. taishan mountain is in a key position where the railway from central plains to shandong peninsula meets the railway connecting the south and north of the east coast. there are no hills between taishan mountain and the capitals in the ancient times as well as the developed regions. this superior condition helps taishan mountain gain the first position among the five famous mountains in china.


          Aug & Sept daily 9.30am-4.15pm; 9.50; advance booking on tel 0171/930 4832. Victoria tube.

          The graceless colossus of Buckingham Palace, popularly known as "Buck House", has served as the monarch's permanent London residence only since the accession of Victoria. Bought by George III in 1762, the building was overhauled by Nash in the late 1820s, and again by Aston Webb in time for George V's coronation in 1913, producing a palace that's about as bland as it's possible to be.

          For two months of the year, the hallowed portals are grudgingly nudged open; timed tickets are sold from the tent-like box office in Green Park at the western end of The Mall. The interior, however, is a bit of an anticlimax: of the palace's 660 rooms you're permitted to see just 18, and there's little sign of life, as the Queen decamps to Scotland every summer. For the other ten months of the year there's little to do here, since the palace is closed to visitors - not that this deters the crowds who mill around the railings, and gather in some force to watch the Changing of the Guard, in which a detachment of the Queen's Foot Guards marches to appropriate martial music from St James's Palace (unless it rains, that is)。

          You can view a small selection of the Royal Collection - which is more than three times larger than the National Gallery's - at the Queen's Picture Gallery (daily 9.30am-4.30pm; 4), round the south side of the palace on Buckingham Palace Road. The exhibitions usually include some works by Reynolds, Gainsborough, Vermeer, Rubens, Rembrandt and Canaletto, which make up the bulk of the collection.

          There's more pageantry on show at the Nash-built Royal Mews (April-Sept Tues-Thurs noon-4pm; Oct-Dec Wed only; 3.50), further along Buckingham Palace Road. The royal carriages, lined up under a glass canopy in the courtyard, are the main attraction, in particular the Gold Carriage, made for George III in 1762, smothered in 22-carat gilding and weighing four tons, its axles supporting four life-size figures.


        Dear visitors,

          good morning, everyone, my name is Zhu Minjia, you can call me zhu guide. Welcome to "the paradise on earth" - the west lake. We will open the way to the west lake tour, we will go to visit butte, middle-east and three pool reflected on. Wish everyone have a happy travel! Please don't throw the skin rubbish, painting of the scribble.

          The west lake is so beautiful, of course, there are many wonderful legends. From many years ago, the sky has a jade dragon and jinfeng, they found on the island which beside the Milky Way a piece of jade, they peck together for many years, jade becomes a radiant orb, the orb of light shine where, where trees are evergreen, flowers are blooming. Then news to the heavenly palace, the heavenly queen sent mountain god snatch like treasure in the future. Yulong jinfeng and hurried to SuoZhu, met her mother refused, then scramble up. Heavenly queen down, with a loose, jade fell, became a Jin Ying west lake, the yulong jinfeng and becomes a feng huang mountain and YuHuangShan, protect the west lake.

          Everybody look east, that is the broken bridge! It is one of the most famous bridge in the west lake. It is very interesting: the broken bridge is in the north of lake and lake water. When snow attendance, the positive aspect has deglaciation snow bridge, and the shadow of the bridge still snowy, distance, bridge seems broken broken, hence the name "broken bridge".


          Dear visitors, the morning we went to Kuan Alley and Zhai Alley, it will take you to the small advantages brought a scenic spot - Du Fu Thatched Cottage, as the name implies, Du Fu Thatched Cottage is Du Fu once lived is now the cottage, the attraction is due to the previous cottage too broken too old, so the government funded the cottage again repaired. Du Fu Thatched Cottage has also become one of the tourist attractions that visitors come to Chengdu. So we're going to see it, too.

          Now we do the amount such as the cottage, the first thing we saw was a statue of Du Fu, a few can see Du Fu wearing a large cloak on his knees, hands on his knees, as if thinking what everyone said, Du Fu has a pair of well written poetry, who touched it for his aura, write good articles. So if a friend wants to write a composition or want to write a good article, you can touch it and hope to bring good luck to you.

          We continue to move forward, everyone is very curious why here is a very old house and, yes, that is Du Fu's house, there are nine rooms, Du Fu's life and life is very hard, the cottage was built in or under the auspices of a friend.


          Each visitor:

          Gold Chang in northwest area is located in suzhou city, the ancient city, east moat outside the east coast and cross yanghe, east and at pingkiang area adjacent; West to the grand canal west world, and suzhou high new technical industrial zone river; South bridge across the river in small day, three road, tung many in the east coast and double river and is bounded canglang; North to central triangle mouth the water surface, the borders of the city.

          Gold Chang area of the tourism resources, huqiu, hanshan temple, lingering garden, west park and so on historical and cultural relics is the pride of suzhou. Swim in suzhou and not swim huqiu, but pity. Is the symbol of the ancient city of suzhou huqiu tower is famous world culture heritage, the annual traditional temple fair and huqiu show attracted millions of Chinese and foreign tourists. Is located in the ancient city in the west of the hanshan temple with a poetry of the present paper arrives at an inter pretation and famous, each ring, people always want to hanshan temple

          Suzhou belongs to north subtropical monsoon climate, the spring and autumn season for travel.

          In October 1955, suzhou city, the city name change, west renamed Chang zone of gold. In August 1956, the area before the view (the former central) revoked, the area, respectively, into the north tower area (north) peace river area (east). In July 1958, revocation of the north tower area, the area of peach dock, Chang door and changchun street office Chang area (most) into gold. Founded in November the same year, the city peoples communes, a district social unity. In July 1960, suzhou city, the original three area is adjusted for six, gold Chang area in two, set up two gold Chang, peach dock area (communes). In July 1962, suzhou cancel each urban commune system. In March 1963, restore to establish three city, peach dock area withdraw into gold Chang area. Gold Chang area during the cultural revolution was renamed yan an area. On June 9, 1980, approved by jiangsu province peoples government: suzhou yanan area changed its name to gold Chang area. On September 1, 20xx, suzhou city held a press conference, announced the cancellation of suzhou canglang, at pingkiang area, gold Chang area, set up in suzhou gusu area, with the original canglang, at pingkiang area, gold Chang area administrative areas for administrative areas in gusu area.


          Dear friends, Hello everyone! Welcome to Kunming, a warm and humid springcity with four seasons like spring! Here you will enjoy the natural beautifulwater and green mountains, and you will appreciate the real national customs.Here, ancient and fashionable blend with each other, yesterday and todayinterweave, you will be moved by the most real and original ecology of Yunnan,infected by the mountains and rivers here, you will love this place deeply. Letme introduce the Dianchi Lake to you.

          Dianchi Lake, located in the southwest of Kunming City, is a vast andelegant plateau lake. It is a limestone fault lake formed by the influence ofthe Himalayan movement in the tertiary. The lake is 1886 meters above sea level,39 kilometers long from north to south, 13.5 kilometers wide from east to west,with an average width of about 8 kilometers. The lake shoreline is about 200kilometers long, with an area of about 318 square kilometers. The maximum depthof the lake is 8 meters, with an average depth of 5.5 meters. The water storagecapacity is about 1.57 billion cubic meters. Among all the lakes in Yunnan, ithas the largest area. Among all the freshwater lakes in China, it ranks sixthafter Poyang Lake, Dongting Lake, Taihu Lake, Hongze Lake and Chaohu Lake.Dianchi Lake is surrounded by many mountains, including Jinma mountain in theEast, Biji mountain in the west, Sheshan mountain in the North (also known aschangchong mountain) and Baihe mountain in the south. These rolling mountainsform the natural barrier of Kunming Bazi. Along the lakeside line of about 100kilometers, there are many cities and towns such as Kunming, Chenggong,Jincheng, Kunyang and Haikou, as well as scenic spots such as Daguanlou,Haigeng, Xishan, Guanyinshan, Baiyukou, Zhenghe Park, niulianxiang, YunnanKing's tomb in Shizhaishan, Panlong temple, Liulin and Guandu pagoda. Dianchilake belongs to the Yangtze River system. There are more than 20 rivers flowinginto Dianchi Lake, the largest of which is Panlong River, and other rivers suchas Jinzhi River, Baisha River and Baoxiang river. The water from Dianchi Lakeflows out to the sea, then flows to Jinsha River through Tanglangchuan and PuduRiver, and finally flows to the sea.

          Dianchi Lake water area, surrounded by mountains, rivers, thousands ofhectares of fertile land, known as "Jiangnan plateau.". Around the pool, thereare fishing villages and sails dotted with Guanyin Mountain Scenic Area; thereare flowers and trees shadow of Baiyukou Konggu garden; there are stretches ofmiles, clear water and sand Clear Beach Beach and beautiful grand view buildingPark, etc., are very comfortable places to visit, especially on the other sideof the green waves, the majestic peak of the western mountain, water floatingclouds cover. The beauty of the lake and the mystery of the sea will appearbefore your eyes. Dianchi Lake has both the beauty of the lake and the spirit ofthe sea.

          The origin of the name of Dianchi Lake has always been different. The firstis from the perspective of the geographical situation of Dianchi Lake. Accordingto the records of Huayang state nanzhong, "Dianchi county is governed bycounties, so Dianchi is also a state; there are rivers, 200 Li around the water,which are deep and wide, shallow and narrow, such as backward flow, so Dianchiis called." from this article, we know that Dianchi is Dian; the second is thatDianchi is located on the plateau, so Dianchi is named; The third holds that"dian" is the largest of many ethnic groups in this area in ancient times. AfterChu general Zhuang came to Dian, he changed his clothes and followed hiscustoms, and then established the Dian state, called the king of Dian.Therefore, the name of Dianchi came from the name of this tribe. Although thereare various opinions about the origin of the name of Dianchi Lake, it does notaffect its huge economic utility. For thousands of years, it has nurtured thepeople here and irrigated the land here. To provide people with the convenienceof boat, to provide people with rich aquatic products, and now with itsbeautiful scenery, charming scenery ushered in many tourists, really worthy of a"Pearl" on the Yunnan Guizhou Plateau.

          Now Dianchi Lake is one of the first 12 national tourist resorts approvedto be established in China, and it is also the only national tourist resortlocated in inland province. Haigeng park is close to the Bank of Dianchi Lake,and the whole park is built along the Bank of Dianchi Lake. Weeping willow greenlitchi, white wave beach, a school of colorful scenery in southern Xinjiang, isthe ideal natural swimming pool. Overlooking the Xishan Forest Park on the highmountain opposite to the lake, the park is more enjoyable. If you want to go tothe Xishan Mountain for sightseeing, there are fishing boats driven by fishermenon the dam Wharf in the park, which can cross the water to reach the foot of theXishan Mountain. You can also go to Haigeng ethnic village and take a cable carto go up the Xishan Mountain. From the cable car, you can have a panoramic viewof Dianchi Lake.

          Dianchi Lake is also the center of Kunming's scenic spots. Tourists can notonly take a boat around the lake to enjoy the scenery of lakes and mountains,but also go ashore to see Zheng He's hometown, Guanyin Mountain and other scenicspots. Around Dianchi Lake, there are two peaks of Jinma and Biji in the Eastand West, and two mountains of changchong and Baihe in the north and south.There are many scenic spots. The lake is vast and beautiful. When cherryblossoms bloom in spring, the scenery is more beautiful and charming.

          Today's Dianchi Lake, with its unique charm, attracts a large number ofChinese and foreign tourists and has become a world-famous tourist attraction.With the development of tourism, Dianchi Lake, a symbol of ecological beauty,will radiate new vitality. We will welcome you again with better tourism serviceand more beautiful tourism environment!


          Hello and welcome to Dali, the hometown of "five golden flowers".

          Now our cruise ship is running on the West Erhe River, the dischargechannel of Erhai Lake. The sailing direction of the cruise ship is from west toEast. If you go further, you can see the vast Erhai Lake.

          Erhai Lake, located in the northwest of Dali City, is a famous plateau lakein Yunnan Province. It is the seventh largest freshwater lake in China. It wasformed at the end of the ice age, and its main cause is subsidence and erosion,which belongs to structural fault lake. Erhai Lake, starting from Eryuan in thenorth, is about 42.58 km long and 9 km wide from east to west. The lake coversan area of 256.5 square kilometers. Although it is not as big as Dianchi Lake,its water storage capacity is much larger than Dianchi Lake. This is because theaverage depth of Erhai Lake is 10 meters, and the deepest can reach 20 meters.It was called "yeyushui" and "kunmichuan" in ancient times. But Xiaoxu prefersits current name Erhai. Because the name is more appropriate and lovely. Lookingdown from the sky, she is like a new moon, lying quietly between Cangshan andDali dam, like a lovely big ear. This is the Erhai moon in Dali.

          Now our cruise ship has been driving in the rippling Erhai Lake.

          You see, the lake water is clear, just like a flawless jade. It is verybeautiful. It is welcoming you from afar with a broad mind. If you come here onthe night of the 15th lunar month, the moon will be very round, very round. I amalso drunk with the scenery: the moon is round in the water, and the floatinglight shakes gold; the sky, with a jade mirror hanging high, seems to have justbathed in the lake. The water and the sky are shining. It's hard to tell whetherthe sky and the moon fall into the sea or the sea and the moon rise into thesky. Why is Erhai Lake moon so bright? The scientific conclusion is: first, thewater quality of Erhai Lake is very pure, with high transparency and strongreflection; second, there is less dust on the surface of Erhai Lake, and the airis fresh, which makes the water and the sky match each other and the moonlightbrighter. In addition, the famous Erhai moon lies in the fact that the whiteCangshan snow is reflected in the Erhai Lake, which forms the grand spectacle of"silver cangyu Erhai".

          In front of us, the exquisite Island you can see is xiaoputuo, the smallestand most famous island in Erhai Lake, which is indispensable in the album ofDali. Xiaoputuo is only about 200 meters in circumference, and it is composed oflimestone, with a total area of about 70 square meters. Why is it called littlePutuo? Putuo is the abbreviation of Putuo Luojia mountain in Sanskrit, whichmeans little Baihua Mountain or little Huashu mountain. It is said that it isthe place where Guanyin practices in India. Therefore, all the holy places ofGuanyin are called Putuo Mountain. For example, Putuo Mountain in Zhejiang, oneof the four famous Buddhist mountains in China. Because the appearance of littlePutuo is more like the Taoist temple of Guanyin, but because its scale andterrain are relatively small, it is named "little Putuo". As you can see, littlePutuo looks like a natural bonsai in Erhai Lake from such a distance. In theeyes of the Bai people, little Putuo is the most spiritual island. The Baipeople in the nearby villages have to go to little Putuo for sacrifice every newyear or any happy event to celebrate or for peace. On the wedding day of thebridegroom and bride, the bridegroom will take the bride around the Island threetimes in a boat, hoping that little Putuo can bring them: Happiness andauspiciousness.

          Today, all of you come to Dali from afar to feel the history, culture,customs and people's feelings here. We also hope that little Putuo can bring youhappiness and peace. Now, let's get ready to land on the island. Let's enjoy thebeauty of this island.










