        更新時間:2024-06-14 11:36:48
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          I readwhen I was in junior middle school. At that time I do not know why the old man persists to take dentuso back. It’s so dangerous to fight with sharks. But he did not give up.

          But now I’m really proud of Santiago. He is so brave and persevering. “But a man is not made for defeat” he said “A man can be destroyed but not defeated.”

          Santiago was old just as Hemingway said “Everything about him was old except his eyes and they were the same color as the sea and were cheerful and undefeated.” He think every day is a new day. No matter how old he is. He said “It’s better to be lucky. But I would rather be exact. Then when luck comes you are ready.”

          Santiago was poor; he had nothing except a little boat and harpoon. But he said “Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is.”

          Santiago was alone. Mandolin can not go to sea with him because of his parents. He catches fishes alone. He fights with sharks alone. He can talk to nobody except himself. No one will help him.

          But even though he faced hungry; weary and difficulty alone, he does not give up.

          Somebody said Santiago was a failure. Because at last he said he wishes that it had been a dream and the boy cried for him can really approve it.

          In this way I think Santiago was a lucky person. Because he still had Mandolin. The boy loved him and pitied him. If Mandolin had no money his own, he begged or stole to make sure that Santiago had enough to eat and fresh baits for his lines. The old man accepts his kindness with humility that was like a quiet kind of pride.

          I think Santiago is a hero and he is not a failure. Because catch fish is a part of his life and it is the memory of his mind and he catch a really big fish back at last. The value of his life was completely reflected in the way he catch fish. He is the real winner in his own world.

          After I think about this book and Santiago. I realized that I’m not brave enough. I can not stay hopeful when I face laugh and indifferent. And I don’t have enough courage to do what I want to do. I’m so afraid of this world. I’m so afraid of the people’s words who speak it behind my back. I’m so cowardly and that’s the reason I always lose.

          Now I know what to do. Don’t mind others. Be myself. I need possess the quality of reason and shay cheerful and undefeated. Be kind and happy. Be strong and optimistic.














          "The wizard of oz" is a book rich in knowledge and truth, which makes me learn a lot.Every chapter of the story deserves to be savored. The story of the girl rosie, aunt em, and uncle Henry live on a ranch in Kansas.By a whirlwind to a strange place.Under the guidance of the good witch of oz, she set out on her way home and eventually overcame all the difficulties to get home. On her way home she met many of her friends, even though she encountered many difficulties and dangers.

          A scarecrow with no brain.& other;A tin man with no heart.& other;A lion without courage.Help her get through this.Let me really understand the importance and value of friendship.Sometimes I wonder: if rosie gets to that strange place without the help of these friends, she will never come home to her aunt and uncle.It is possible to fall into the street and become a slave, which makes me feel the importance of friends again.And my classmates sometimes laugh at each other and start fighting when they have something small.I think we should help each other, build friendship, love each other, unite together, do not quarrel over a little thing, and destroy the friendship between friends. , of course, not just because of the power of friendship to create the perfect ending, but also because of their good wishes for their own unremitting efforts, whether it is by how many setbacks, how many difficulties, but they still insist on.I admire their noble qualities.

          On that thrilling journey, they could not go on because of a great ditch across the road.At this moment, it seems to us that their journey is about to stop.Then the scarecrow came forward.The cowardly lion also stood up and jumped out of the ditch, and when everyone reached the other side, the lion was tired and out of breath. This book appeals to me not only the wonderful story but also the inspiration it brings to me.The most prominent point is: to do everything must have perseverance, persistence, only has success, only has the rainstorm after the rainbow. I'm far from the main characters.Once, my mother helped me with a brush shift, and at the beginning I studied with enthusiasm, but after a few days, I found it very boring.I started off in class;He didn't finish the homework assigned by the teacher.After reading this book, I finally understand that I need to persevere, to conquer myself, not to be afraid of difficulties, and finally to see the rainbow after the wind and rain.

          My favorite is the story of the last chapter, although only a few words, but it can be the end of the story that rosie has been so hard to get home.It contained a spirit of perseverance and courage to overcome difficulties.


          At the end of the first World War, the second industrial revolution was just completed. As a victorious nation in the World War I, the United States surpassed Britain as the world's largest power in capitalist world. The economy was flourishing and the whole country was thriving. Cars, lights and telephones facilitated people's life. People feel no longer fight, is the time to enjoy, the young generation is more like entering a new era of joy of brilliant, they began to abandon the traditional moral standard, in the money worship, hedonism, luxury, scene of debauchery all day. The economic prosperity of the neglect of social cost.

          The story of the great Gatsby took place at this time.

          The background of the novel is set in the white circle of the upper class in modern American society and unfolded through Nick's narrative. Nick was born in the Midwest of the United States, then went to New York to learn how to run a stock business, and wanted to make a fortune. He lived in Long Island and was neighbors to Gatsby, the hero of the story, and made friends with him. Gatsby, formerly known as Gates, and Nick is from the Midwest, he was born poor but aspiring, due to selling bootleg liquor and riches. He often held large-scale luxury home party, banquet guests, to show its generosity, the purpose is to attract the daisy lover five years ago and win her back. Five years ago at the Gatsby military service when Daisy was his lover, Gatsby went overseas in the first World War, due to reckless with greed came from wealthy families to marry a rich men's sons Tom buchanan. However, the satisfaction of material desires and carnal desires did not fill the spiritual emptiness and poverty of daisy. In Nick's help, and Gatsby seemed to rekindle their love after the reunion. But Daisy is no longer the original Daisy, she is no longer the innocent girl Gatsby imagined, but a stupid, selfish, vulgar, beautiful body. Gatsby's beautiful dream was finally broken, but he was still doing the final struggle, is still a fantasy of daisy, and suffered more sad sad ending. Later, daisy in a drunk driving Gatsby's car ran over Tom's mistress, plan a plot with Tom and brutally put the blame on Gatsby, resulting in the victim's husband suddenly broke into Gatsby's home and shot Gatsby, then Dutch act died, Gatsby eventually completely become a victim of selfish and cruel daisy.

          Xu as Gatsby, presents a perfect and beautiful dream within reach for us to provide a witness the envy of everyone in society by chance for us, but also to an attitude with ruthless shattered eyes alluring resplendent with variegated coloration, the end of the story, Gatsby's funeral and deserted the party noisy, persistent and Daisy Gatsby warm cold away, forming a strong contrast, although the reality of broken dreams, but also let the people live to see the reality of the hypocrisy and indifference.

          The distance between dream and reality

          The reason why Gatsby is great because he can in order to realize the dream, because he is a millionaire also have the original dream, because he can give life to dream, although the price in third seems too heavy, too unworthy, not in, the dream has been broken, outliving both. A tear or a sigh in the face of reality seemed so weak, worry is heavy, but how much money, chennai!

          The end of the story I can feel as a bystander, Nick downhearted, after the death of Gatsby, his heart becomes haunted in the East, distorted beyond their ability to eye correction, so he went back home. Whether it is to escape from the reality or re start, like the tortoise was attacked in the shell, or like a crab armed and ready to fight, never give life to defend the principles and morals of their life, when we do not want to. And can't change the reality of the time, silence is to maintain the dignity of the umbrella.

          How far is the distance between dream and reality? Just like the distance between the heart and the human heart.

          How far is the distance between the heart and the human heart? It can be very close or very far away. Look at our society today, how much is left in the trust between people? We are still learning Lei Feng 80s said a good example, but he was dead in 90s; we are still learning contemporary Paul Zhang Haidi, but now her nationality has been questioned; in twenty-first Century, we study the important thought of Three Represents, but some people will only put the table worn on the hand. See people hailed seek help can not stop, because it is possible to see the old man fell down fishing; you can not help, because it may be pengci; see money can not pick up, even if not illegal because it may be the, you see, our society is to let some people get rich, the value orientation is also gradually distorted let the rich to the poor, finally achieve common prosperity intention where? Why the whole society is in a crisis of confidence between the people and the people? Why the distance will be so far away?


          This winter vacation,I read agreat book《Bookworm》.In gread 1,I appreciate the beauty of the moon,and,I know Mary,queen of Soctss story……In a word,Ibenefited a lot of in it.I really like this book. Among them,my favourite book is《Love or money》.It tells a rich women death without.Everyone is suspect,and they greeted her moneys mouth water.Her little daughter threatens her,to obtain money;on the surface seems to love her big daughter to reasons but hater mother;her son to a piece of land and mother fell out……

          Results a murderer is her big daughter!Reason have To her the person I love ! I was very sad.A girl,actually killed her mother,is really too not filial piety.I know people for a variety of reasons will kill your most close.So,we should control oneself,avoid incentive,not reckless things……

          The《Book worm》 has taught me a lot.


          Not all smiles can bring happiness. If a dolphin smiles at you, it turns out that thousands of dolphins have been killed.

          When you want to wipe it dry, tears melt into the sea, and the water is too far away for you to touch.

          When you want to help it heal the wound, it was dying, death countdown, make you powerless.

          When you want to embrace it, it struggles to leap, exhaust its strength to draw the last rainbow, and then fall feebly, disappearing into the harbor of innumerable life. That jump, is facing the final struggle of death, but that struggle, but also so powerless, so that people heartache......

          Puerto Galera, a beautiful name. Perhaps, that is a very attractive place. Perhaps, there is a lovely shuttle in the water, a magnificent somersault, perfect leap again and again. They can emit magnetic sounds that are gentle, intelligent, brave, and even fair. They always smile, light smile, because it will only smile, but unfortunately that smile does not mean they are happy. Unfortunately, such a beautiful Puerto Galera does not exist. In Japan, an average of 23 thousand dolphins, each year, died in a small bay in the town of Japan under the halo of the Japanese government's "legal kill". If not because of being exposed to a fact that no man with hair standing on end, will believe there, the street is filled with the dolphin model, whale model town, would be an end of life where tens of thousands of dolphins. The dolphins are packed into the theme park, where the water is a bit blood red, there is a quiet sound across the sky. The dolphins break, there should be full of the breath of life, just because of the loss of humanity background has become a grim place, the sea calm, it seems in what disaster brewing.

          If it weren't for a bunch of dedicated people who were determined to save a group of dangerous spirits, we wouldn't know when this bloody thing would last. If it were not for a group of brave people to face the danger, they would go forward without hesitation, and even lose the life of three companions. We don't know when such a scandal will be hidden. If all the evidence is not a group of people with a conscience tenaciously collect the dolphin, we do not know how many ups and downs in the bodies of dolphins in the little bay. Only to see to know, between red and blue so bright; only heard that how to bring the sky through the shrill wail, can let your heart bleed; only to see, some Japanese with their own actions to prove to the world that, their best skill is not a massacre, massacre. Make all sorts of mistakes and even crimes after danxiao, let a person feel disgusted.

          Japan's whaling industry in addition to a huge interest in the temptation of whaling was some whalers calling for a national tradition. Japanese whaling is to get rich in protein in the meat, but why there will be tens of thousands of dolphins were slaughtered? In addition to some "good" dolphins, they went into Ocean Park after being arrested and performed like clowns, and the rest were slaughtered. Their meat was hanging on meat production, brand sale. Dolphin meat contains a lot of tribute, the consequences of food can be imagined. As a result, this is not only a matter of animal protection. In this way, a large number of innocent dolphin slaughter, called whale meat substitutes, poisonous meat to be eaten. This seems to be a ridiculous process, but it is constantly staged in Japan, staged silently. When participating in the rescue of the dolphin action "eleven Rohan", to see their own pictures of dolphin slaughter, can not help but burst into tears again and again. There is nothing more painful than trying to protect, but powerless.

          Look at those in Japan for their dolphin slaughter a variety of defense, all hide who shamelessly praised his whaling how advanced technology; think of the whalers without feeling, even knock iron burr into the dolphins body, they can't even see the outflow of blood gurgling, can't even hear dolphins seem to beg for mercy, even forget they are not people. Dolphins will only love, love your family, love people, love all the people who need help; dolphins will only smile, because only smile, so some people do not seem to know that they will have much pain, do not know how sad. They are gentle and gentle enough not to attack people who hurt them. They are heavy, and it is the despicable people who use their heavy emotions to kill the dolphins first, draw dolphins, kill the dolphins, and then kill the sad dolphin father. What a "clever" means, compared with the pure dolphin, human ruthlessness seems to make himself a "strong"".

          In addition to Japan's Taiji, there are many places in the world where whaling is being carried out. Not to mention the impact of whaling on the environment. This kind of behavior is extremely cruel, not only hurts the lovely animals, but also breaks the human's camouflage again and again, and breaks the soul of the human beings again and again. The incomparable cleverness of man, after taming the fierce beast with a whip, slaughtered the most tame dolphin in the most cruel way. How ridiculous, what a shame. Although Puerto Galera reveals the evils of Japan, the Japanese dolphin slaughter campaign continues every September. We will also have tens of thousands of dolphins died in with a smile.

















          My one breath reads off the fairy tale which “Sea Daughter” this Anderson writes to give me to be specially deep. “Sea Daughter” this article everybody is certainly very familiar! “Sea Daughter” in the fairy tale leading character lives in the sea deep place, is a mermaid.

          She might pass for more than 300 years years in the seabed world, then changed into the froth, finished her life happiness. Her life is longer than several times the humanity, but she does not have the human unique that kind “not to extinguish the soul”。

          In order to obtain this inspiration she to give up in the sea life, she endures these pain from already the fish tail changed into a two person leg. Afterward she liked a prince, obtained a humanity’s soul. That prince and the world female has married, her hope did not have. If she continues to become “the sea daughter”after must assassinate that prince, may return to her in the family member, returns to belongs to her from already world. But she does not have to do this actually from has thrown in entering the sea to change into the froth. I like “Sea Daughter”. It caused me to understand the life was valuable. Must have the strong will in anticipation in any surface, goes bravely facing it. In this book, I have not only known some happy stories, but also receives the very big inspiration education.


          After reading the story of "magic pen Ma Liang", I think Ma Liang is a kind child. He uses a magic pen to help poor people and make them live a happy life. The enlightenment to me is: to understand score dedication, you can't be selfish. Just like that county official, you won't get a good end in the end. A good man has a good reward. Like Ma Liang, he has a kind heart.

          If I had a magic pen, I would draw clothes, shoes and a lot of food for the children in the disaster area, so that they could have no worries about food and clothing and live a happy life.

          If I had a magic pen, I would draw my favorite tablet.

          If I have a magic pen, I will draw a lottery ticket of five million, give my mother three million, give my father one million, and keep the rest to buy Stationery, books and my favorite game cards·······


          the wizard of oz is about the adventure of a beautiful kind girl called dorothy,who lived with uncle henry and aunt elm in the kansas

          one day,a tornado carried her to a strange magical country, met the scarecrow,the iron woodman and the cowardly lion order to make their own dreams come true,they worked together and helped each they encounterd a lot of difficulites ,they achieved their dreams respectively in the end with their wisdom and

          in reality,everyone has his own advantages and we should do is to discover our strong points and give ourselves hope and people,however, are unaware of their power and the story,the scarecrow hoped to own a wise brain;the iron woodman ,a beating heart ;the cowardly lion,courage and fact, the scarecrow's brain is better than anyone else when the situation is very urgent and it can create many brilliant iron woodman's heart is full of cowardly lion becomes brave when he is in danger and even can fight the

          don't lose faith in yourself and your long as you persist,you will succeed .


          When you sit in front of a person and listen to him speak, you can see all kinds of complex and precise situations and destiny. This is understanding how to finally carve such a character, thought, practice and appearance. With such eyes, you can really "see" that person and realize that the most beautiful scenery in the world is people who live their own appearance and system.

          Creation purpose of the book "skin bag": the author Cai Chongda hopes to commemorate his a Tai, father, friends and others through this book. He hopes to see them in words, "see" more possibilities of the world and make everyone's life experience as complete as possible.

          This book, in the order of CAI Chongda's growth track, shows his mental course to the outside world through narrative prose. The author tells his unforgettable stories in a peaceful, simple and delicate style, so as to help him understand the people and things that happened to him. For example, through disability, he saw his father and met his father.

          After reading "skin bag", my heart was always uneasy and gave birth to a sense of urgency. Time does not wait. I should understand the people I am getting along with and the people I will face in the future, and "see" the people I want to cherish as much as possible, reflect and warm each other. Calm and calm.


          Today, I finished reading the book "the old man and the sea". This book mainly tells about an old man fishing at sea, but he did not catch a fish for times.

          In fact, after I read this book, I did not fully understand the meaning of the book, so I asked my mother, and my mother told me again, so I understood some.

          The old man didnt get anything for 84 days, but he didnt give up. He kept cheering himself on. Finally, he decided to go to the deep sea to catch a big fish, so he set out. In the end, although he caught a big fish, he was eaten up by the big shark when he went back, leaving only a huge fish bone. He was very sad.

          After reading this book, I feel a little sad. I feel sorry for the old man.


          This summer, I read the series of 《Harry Potter》 written by J .K .Rowling. I got a lot. 《Harry Potter》 tells a story about the hero, Harry's struggle against the dark wizards led by Lord Voldemort . Harry and Voldemort are the enemies of fate. Harry's Parents were killed by Voldemort when Harry was born, but Harry miraculously survived!While Voldemort, who wanted to kill him, lost his life and magic. After that, Harry went to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry when he was eleven years old. There, he met many friends like Ron and Hermione. He also learnt a lot and grew up as an excellent wizard. Unluckily, Lord Voldemort returned. But Harry was brave, he undermined Voldemort's plan again and again with the help of friends and teachers. When Harry was in the Grade 7, Voldemort attacked his school. Lord Voldemort required to have a duel with Harry. He wanted kill Harry. However , Harry had grown up, and he had something Voldemort didn’t have----friends and love. Justice will always prevail. Harry won the duel at last. He is a real hero. 《Harry Potter》 is one of my favourite books. I watch the films《Harry Potter》too. I will read it again.


          Wizard of Oz is a fairy tale carefully written by American writer Lyman Frank Baum. The article contains the authors inspiration to the desire - dont think that the desire can never be realized.

          As long as you work hard and strive for it, then the desire will be realized by us. The wizard of Oz paints a moving story full of friendship, courage and trust. Let us know that friendship is a kind of quiet and calm love, guided by reason, the habit of forming, the combination of long - term understanding and common, without jealousy, and no fear. True perseverance is that when a man is in trouble or danger, he can calm himself and do his duty. The images depicted in the wizard of Oz are Rosie, scarecrow, iron man, lion, and oz. They have experienced a lot of things together: bravely defeated the evil Western wicked witch; they worked together through the exquisite porcelain country and the wooded Schwarzwald; found the good Southern witch Genda, finally finished the desire to go home with Rosie, and lived happily with Aunt Amy and uncle Henry. By reading the work of Wizard of Oz, we must learn more about Rosies steadfast spirit and optimistic attitude.

          Although there are some frustrations and hardships to realize the ideal desire, as long as we have persevered efforts, one day, we feel that the desire to be impossible will be realized.


          Henry because he himself is a poor person, so most of his article some of the poor hero of working people, full of sympathy for working people.I think the reason why the novel ? Henry I like it, because his novels, we often could not gue what the outcome, but the results make us truly incredible, it also shows his rich imagination.The paper writes that he is very busy busineman, in the cause of decline, he became an ordinary telephone answering staff, which he found himself before the Secretary of the beautiful, and her confeion.Last night she had been married to him.As busy, even forgot their marriage, which is a tragedy.No matter how busy we are, be sure to leave yourself time, care for the people around us, do not get lost in the busy.


          The story's protagonist is a lovely little girl named Dorothy. One day, however, a tornado rolled Dorothy and the house together, Dorothy and the puppy were scattered with uncles and aunts, and Dorothy was on the road to a hard return to the country.

          On the way, she met the brain scarecrow, the heart - free iron man and the timid lion. They became friends with Dorothy and started to look for the great and universal Macau. Encountered many difficulties on the way, but they were overcome by them. They also helped people beat two evil witches who had no evil. They were loved by people.

          Not afraid of hardships, unity and friendship, mutual help and mutual help, they realized their own wishes: Dorothy returned to the original beauty, and the lion, the iron man and the scarecrow had a higher achievement and got their proper position. Friendship is becoming more and more solid under difficult trials. Friendship has also made their adventures warm and lively.

          This story tells us that friends are very important and friendship is indispensable in life.

          If you don't have a friend, you will feel lonely and bored, a stranger everywhere, no sense of security; if you don't have a friend, you will feel lonely and unhelpful when you face all kinds of difficulties. If you have no friends, your life will not be complete or happy.

          A friend is a hand when you are in distress, a pistachio when you are depressed, or a teacher in your life.

          So don't give up any chance to make friends. Let's kindle the spark of hope together and find a true friend.


          During winter vacation I read "gulliver's travels", the book read the interesting and thrilling story, as if really put me into the world of what gulliver's travels.

          The protagonist of the book gulliver is a people who love to travel, he is eager to travel around the world, almost every corner of the world. Perhaps his fearless spirit, let us also revealed to the peculiar four countries.

          Make me the deepest impression is "Lilliput and brobdingnag". The made of pu, although residents are generally the size of the palm of your hand, but they are very diligent and intelligent. Gulliver made a number of force for the country, and finally by the court in impeachment, was forced to leave the country. From a certain Angle it reflected the at that time the British government is dim, and so on. In brobdingnag, gulliver and look up human small dwarf point of view, to satirize some human of some bad habits.

          In the hui HSS Ma Guozhong, gulliver met with kindness, honesty and friendship virtue hui HSS horse. In the language of hui HSS countries did not "lie" and "deceit" this word, they don't know what is "suspect", what is a "no confidence", in their country everything is true, transparent, is a place where people's pursuit and yearning. Here, you don't need to consider others speak of true and false, because they don't know what is lying. I want to go to the better place! I hope we can in our social efforts of generations, be like hui from country society!

          The novel really paint a picture of gulliver travel, at the same time, let me see the bright side of society and the dark side.
















